8 - Dubai

957 69 3

Song: Future - Rich Sex
~Baby, lets go have rich sex.~


*just want to let you guys know that there will be readers of all kinds. I write for everyone's enjoyment and America especially, is a large place. So if you are not a fan of oral sex, strong sexual content and adult languages, then please skip this chapter. This is not the one for you. Thank you and enjoy!*


This is the second time in my life being on a plane. I'm terrified because of my fear for heights. But I still feel safe, why? Because Austin is never too far on all my high occasions. I guess it's because he'll 'catch me if I fall'.

I snack on some crunchy grapes as my anxiety relief medication and then take a few selfies with Austin and Sidney.

Austin is typing away on his laptop and the boredom is starting to bother me.. "Do you always have to be on that thing?" The annoyance clear in my tone.

He glances up at me with an annoyed look of his own. "What?"

"Never mind."

I hear the sound of the laptop closing and he scoots closer beside. He pushes my hair behind my ear to see my face a little better, something he always does. "Give me something better to do." His voice is soft and lascivious. He heard my question loud and clear.

"I don't know." I shrug.


"Hmm. Ah, I suck." I shrug again.

"Yea, you can do that." He places a thumb on my lower lip, pulling it down, separating it from the top one.

"What?" I ask through my teeth, his finger still fiddling with my lip.

"I don't mind, really."

I glance at him confused and there is the answer by mischievous smirk, picking up on what his nasty ass was implying. And of course, it'll be an honor to eat him up. "Your nasty ass would like that don't ya?"

"You will too."

I immediately unbuckle, dragging his dress shirt out of his pants, partially undressing him. Something about only being able to see some parts of his body thrills me, the anxiety of wanting to see beneath. He kisses me while I rub against his crotch, feeling his hard erection within seconds. I love how his body responds to me.

Doing just what he was thinking and his hisses and moans indicates that he loves every minute of my wet lips explore his torso. My tongue savors the tip of his shaft, going down the side and coming back up getting it all wet and moist.

With a sloppy spit, I stroke him with both palms. I hear a deeper moan escapes his lips.. "ah, just like that." Going in again sucking on him slowly.. his penis is bent so my creativity has to be on its a game. Adding speed and aggression to my movements, stroking him at the same time, I can feel the intensity of his body stiffening and his climax building up.

On the floor, gazing up in his pretty, ocean blue eyes that lies many secrets behind them. His facial expression is priceless, his creasing brows from immense pleasure while biting on his lip and I know I'm doing a good job, a good blow job, whenever he does that.. "please.. don't stop.." his voice is soft with short, unsteady breaths as he squirms on the seat.. he cups my hair up in a ponytail in his hands, pushing his body back and forth inside my mouth as I close my eyes in admiration of his sweet taste. And for some insane reason, I love the pain that comes from him stretching my jaws.

Good heavens, he's huge and extremely hard, making the veins looking as if they're going to pop any minute. He stands from his seat and grabs me hard, kissing me again. Pulling my dress up to my waist aggressively, I'm still wearing my heels.

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