6 - Georgina

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Song: Nicki Minaj - Your Love
~You got spark, you got spunk. You got something all the girls want.~


As my chest heaves up heavily, deeply embracing the feeling of relief and the contented indication of a well rested night. The finishing touch to a lovely morning is the magic that lays a few centimeters away from me. But to my misfortune, when my hand falls on the opposite side of the bed, its actually the bed I feel and not the humanly warmth and toned muscles of a man. I slowly open my eyes in wishful denial, hoping that I am sleeping and I'm only dreaming that Austin has ditched me before the break of dawn because I wasn't good enough.

There's no Austin.

"Austin?" I call groggily. Maybe he's in the bathroom? I don't see any sign of his clothes or anything so I don't bother to leave the room.

Feeling of annoyance, irritation and worry eats away at me. I pick my phone  up to check if he texted me or anything but it's as dry as a chip and it's 10:30am.

It's perfectly fine and life goes on. He's probably returned to his rich reality and I'm back to the subconscious question of 'who am I to think I'd be of any importance to him?'. Waking up beside Austin Blake? A man who is completely out of my league? Let's be real, the thought alone is ridiculous.

Just a few hours ago he swore he was here and isn't going anywhere.. now look at me. He's gone.

"You know what, I'm not even going to call him!" I grunt through gritted teeth to no one but my damn self. "I'm fine. Everything is fine." I frantically mutter.

How tacky! I mean, where's the moral? If he wanted to end things he couldn't even have the decency to tell me to my face?

What kind of man sells me empty promises right before spending the night then leaves without her knowing and not even as much as a text? Is it because I didn't have sex with him? Is he done with me? Did he come to the realization that 'hey, who am I kidding?' I feel a slight sadness creeping up on me. Why am I thinking about this so hard? He told me not to think. I'm not even supposed to feel like this!

Yas, what the fuck, stop this!

Jolting up to adjust my bed, trying to get busy because I don't give a shit. I grab my iPhone before stalking in the living room looking for Sidney, she must be hungry.

But as I approach the living room, the most adorable and most thoughtful thing graces my eyes. I start to regret my previous fury and overthinking. I'm such a fucking nut job. The entire house is squeaky clean and covered with red roses and white ones as well. God damn, I love roses.

Heaven is literally inside my living room as the bright sunlight slightly illuminates through the curtains that was slightly adjusted to let through the light, making it twice as perfect. I notice a trail of roses leading to the kitchen and I follow it. Is he in there? The trail of roses leads me to the dining table but still no sign of Austin though. There's heart shaped pancakes with syrup carefully sprinkled over them.


Also scrambled eggs and bacons. At the side is fresh strawberries and a glass of orange juice. I laugh silently in amusement and awe.

Yas, don't cry bitch, you got this. My heart is repeatedly doing one of those flips a ninja would normally do and I fight to keep it together.

I dial Austin and he picks up on the last ring, frightening me to think he wouldn't pick the call.

But he did.

"You're finally awake?" He answers in an assumptive manner and my heart sinks in a good way.

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