23 - Los Angeles

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"Wait, you what?!" I gape.

She places one friendly arm around my shoulder. "You remember that day I stopped by Image when your big issue was about to launch? The day you were bitching about Austin's new assistant, which was actually Eva, his realtor?" She ask and I roll my eyes at her harsh mockery.

"Yes, I remember." I huff.

"Well, I kinda came there to see Austin, not you. I kinda swung by again after you left that same afternoon."

My eyes widen as curiosity continues to seep through me. "Why?"

"Because I wanted financial advice. And who better to go to than Austin." She grins.

"Financial advice?" Why did she want financial advice?

"I'm launching my own online fashion line in January!" She gushes as she slaps her palms together in glee.

"Shut up!" I squeal slapping her arm. "Why on Earth didn't you tell me this?"

"Because that was the same day Austin shared with me his idea of moving to Los Angeles with you. He told me the entire plan. Also, he was the one to share the amazing idea of moving here too and starting my business here. It'll be better for marketing and business, also I'll be close to my best friend."

"I don't know what to say, that's.. that's incredible! I could kiss you right now!"

"Not just yet, hold those lips. There's more." The girl presses an index finger to my lips.. literally.

"He also offered to put me on the cover of the new year's issue. All about me and my business as a new, young entrepreneur. I haven't decided what to name the business as yet, but, image will be doing a full interview with me about my new line and what makes it different and elegant, giving every detail. The interview will be fully documented in the magazine and also a live film of it that'll be directed by Jay, also going on YouTube and every other platforms. Oh! He'll be the one doing the photo shoot, highlighting a few of my new pieces as well." She finishes, I assume, and the fire in her eyes makes me so proud.

"That's fucking incredible I'm so happy for you." I throw myself on her, not caring if the tightness of my hug breaks a few of her bones. "So where in L.A?"

"I think it's about an hour from here. I found a warehouse that I'm working on. I have to move quickly because I have only a month now to prepare for the magazine. I'll continue my course online. And after I get paid from image, with that money, my line officially launches in February."

"Okay and where are you gonna stay?"

"I'm still searching for a nice apartment in L.A, hopefully I find one soon."

"Well you're welcome to stay here while you search." I gesture to my newly pre-owned home.

"Thanks but this is a new home for you and Austin. You really should embrace your first days here with each other only. Plus I'm sure I'll find a place soon, this is L.A. And if I'm lucky, when my business starts to kick off the right way, I'll be able to afford a house right here in this nice neighborhood so I'll be extremely close to my best friend in the whole wide world." She cups her own cheeks in her palms like a sweet little child on Christmas Eve waiting on Santa to slide down that chimney any moment.

"Well I think your plan is clever and it's going to turn out great. I'm so happy that Austin believed in you. Getting highlighted by image and starting off your business by being in a magazine is the best promoting strategy ever." I say.

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