41 - Kissing

393 33 6

Song: P!nk - Sober
~why do I feel this party's over~


After my eyes flutter open slowly, my focus shift to my right to find Austin and Gina sitting beside the bed that I'm lying in. I look around to see that I'm in Chloe's room. Chloe's room!

Realizing that it's Chloe's room, I glance to my left in search of her. She is awkwardly seated beside me as well with Chloe closely beside her. At our eyes meeting contact, she bites her lower lip and looks to the floor to prevent eye contact.

Austin is slowly caressing the top of my head with his palm, pushing my hair backwards. I turn back to my right, sitting up. "Has everyone left?"

"Yes, honey.. the party is over." Austin tells me.

I frown and glance over at Gina. "Did you do the speech?"

"I only did the speech in regards to the launch. You fainted, so I just avoid any attention towards you for the night." She replies as I nod in agreement.

"You're right, I fainted."

I glance over back at Chloe and Leah, catching their sheepish smiles. I turn again to Austin and Gina. "Can you guys give me a minute with the girls?"

They nod and leave the room and I sit up straightening my posture, facing the girls that are seated beside the bed. I sit on the side of the bed, placing my feet on the cold floor.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask Chloe.

"I-I was scared?" Her answer sounds more of a question and I frown.

"Why would you be scared to tell me something so important? You tell me everything. Well at least I thought so."

"I mean, look at your reaction when you walked in here, you fainted."

"Because I was caught by surprise. If you had spoken to me about this before, then I wouldn't have been so overwhelmed."

"I'm sorry for not telling you. It's just still kinda new for me and I.. I just feel ashamed." her head lowers.

I use both hands to pat the bed on each side of me, offering them a seat to each my sides. I place my arms around their shoulders hugging both of them.

"I love you, Chloe. I love both of you. Love is.. love. You think I would love you guys any less because of this? This is who you are and it's beautiful." The sincerity is thick in my tone and I hope they let it sink in.

"Thank you."

"You're like.. a daughter to me."

"Thank you, Yas." Leah plays with a hem on her clothes.

"About that again, my mother kind of had her suspicions about me being this way and she hated it. It's another reason why she literally turned a blind eye to me being abused which is fucking sick." She says with a guarded tone, folding her fists and I wince. "But you.. you even called me your daughter even after seeing what you saw."

"Well, the age difference makes it weird but of course you are." I ignore the first part of her statement not to upset her anymore and simply squeeze her shoulder for reassurance.

"So I can call you mom?"

"Not in public. Definitely not at the mall."

We all chuckle as I rest their heads on my shoulders, running my fingers through their hair. Sinking in all the emotions we can from this moment until I'm ready to leave the room. I stand to my feet but the dizziness causes me to stagger backwards a little.

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