27 - Stranger

453 47 1

Song: Post Malone - Fall Apart
~oohhh, I fall apart.~

Guys, I don't think I post my rankings very often, so here's an update.. I'm currently #465 in problems out of 1.44k stories. I'm happy! My book is still very young!

3 updates in one day!


"Austin, I finally told you about the worst thing that ever happened to me and all you can think about is Mark?" I argue exasperatedly as Austin frantically walks back and forth fuming through his nose like a bull. 

"Mark is the reason all of that happened!" He yells in deep frustration, "and he had the fucking nerve to show up at my house? Our house?! Why didn't you say something? Why didn't you tell me so I could.. so I could bash his brains in with a rinch! Does he know who the fuck I am? Showing up to my house!"

"Baby?" Resorting to the skills that I know will calm him down, I soften my voice and rake my fingers as gentle as I can up his arm and watch as he deflated just a little with a huff. "It's okay." I tell him sweetly and pulls his face down so his lips could meet mine. "It's okay..."

"When we first met, I knew you were the one. I pushed you away only because I knew the day would come for you to find out that I can't bear a child. I've gotten over my past and I've accepted losing my child and being like this now, so what really bothers me is that you might leave me one day for someone who can, someone better. I'm so scared to lose you that it made me jealous and insecure when I thought you were cheating with Eva." I force my strained voice to form my words boldly.

"I was so happy when Jas told me her good news. But after seeing her and her being so happy, it made me down and felt useless, I will never be able to give that to you. When I bought that painting, the seller said, and I quote.."

"The bags we carry are mostly not filled with physical items. Mental weight tends to consume us 10 times more than physical weight. We choose not to deal with it, instead, we carry it in our hearts, it will just leave. We might act fine but sometimes there's always a darkness inside that never leaves unless we face it."

"You see Austin, I'm not necessarily carrying mental weight.. well, I don't know.. after thinking about my sister's pregnancy, it made me feel down, and looking at that painting, it reminded me of the lost of my own child. So when I got a call about my sister's miscarriage, I took it to heart."

"Wait, your sister lost the baby?" Austin asks in shock.

I nod, tilting my head downwards.

"So that's what the call was about." He trails off in realization.

"Yas, you should've told me all of this. I would never judge you. I'll never leave you no matter what! We can always consider adopting or surrogacy. I need you to stop facing these personal battles alone. You're my girlfriend, I should be the first person you talk to whether good or bad. I do believe you're in a good place mentally, but if you'd spoken to me about your past and your jealousy issues, these things wouldn't have troubled us, shit none of this wouldn't be affecting you or us!"

"Your girlfriend.." I repeat; as if it's those are the only two words I filtered from the entire statement.

Did he really just say that?

I'm his girlfriend.

"Well, yes Yasmine. Yes." He clips and I couldn't hold back a smile.

"I'm sorry." My voice softens as I cover my face with both hands.

"No, Yas, I'm your soulmate and there's no hiding from that no matter how much we try to dodge it because of personal reasons. We are each other's other halves believe it or not. I got you like you got me. And it fucking annoys me to see you suffer like this, shutting me out! If you would just speak to me and let me be there for you, then none of this would've happened. If you had told me about your insecure pass, I could've reassured you. We could've talked about it. If you had told me about your baby then you wouldn't be worrying about not being able to give me one! You wouldn't have gone drinking and driving, almost killing yourself!" His voice is both furious and sympathetic and I don't know how to react.

"I'm sorry Austin!" I cry out.

"Don't be sorry, just let me in! Let me in. Tell me everything no matter how bad it is! Thinking you can fix everything alone will only destroy you!" He basically yells.

He presses his forehead against mine as soon as I'm about to cry again.

"I don't want that. You know what I want? I want you to smile not only on the outside, but on the inside. I want to make sure you're mentally and emotionally stable and healthy. I want to be the one you run to, not from. I need us to be a team in everything no matter what it is." He says softly, holding my face with both hands. His voice, his words and his gesture is gradually dissolving every pain in my aching heart.

"Okay." I say softly placing my hands over his on my face.

"Promise me."

"I promise." I promise him.

"Is it a bad time?" Ariel interrupts. I didn't even hear her come in.

"No." Austin runs his fingers through my hair in an attempt to adjust it but I'm sure it's only messing it up more.

"Take one of these twice a day after meals for seven days. May cause drowsiness." She holds up the paper bag of medication to show me then hands them to Austin which he collects from her after about two awkward seconds.

"Thank you." I say to her, unsure of how I'm feeling.

"So you're free to go now. Remember, plenty of rest, drink a lot of water and eat a lot of fruits." She instructs and her voice is so cute that it annoys me. What? "And avoid alcohol."

"She will." Austin assures her before I can protest.

She removes the drip from my hand. "And oh, Yas? You're one lucky girl!" Ariel adds and everyone except Austin chuckle. I don't understand why I feel as if what she said had nothing to do with my health.

I start putting on my sweat suit Austin brought . As we get home, I step inside the house to the sight of a stranger. A woman dressed in a professional dress and low heels. She also wears glasses and about middle aged. She stands at our arrival with a warm smile and I'm confused.

"This is Emily." Austin says.

"And this must be Yasmine." She extends an arm towards me and I shake her hand reluctantly.

"Austin, who is this and why is she in our home?" I ask through my teeth. This is getting so tired.


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