34 - Perfect

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"Hey, I wanna show you something." I lean in through Chloe's doorway.

"Okay, sure." She sits up in the middle of the bed, wrapping her legs under, Indian style. My heart warms up at how relaxed and appreciative she looks, she hadn't had a decent sleep in a comfortable king bed since forever.

"This right here is a sample of a resume. You're gonna have to do one of these of your own. And very soon, I want you to make your own money and learn how to be independent." I tell her as she listens carefully.

"Okay cool."

I put the papers aside on the bed and turn directly to her, folding my legs Indian style as well. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"You just asked me something." Her contagious smirk elicits a chuckle from us both.

"What do you wanna be? Do you have like.. a dream?" I want to know.

"Yes." There's a spark in her eyes by her answer, I can tell she has dreams that I assume she thinks are destroyed by her life's situation.

"Tell me."

"I want to be a writer." She reveals and I can feel the way my eyebrows shot up.

"Wow. What type of writer? Like books? Songs?"

"Movies. Like scripts. I plan on going to college to study creating writing and filming." She beams.

"That's.. incredible." I say in awe.

"Well, we almost have something in common. I'm studying cinematography and business. When I'm finished next year, I'm going to be an actress." 

"Cool!" She gushes.

"When did you found out that you loved writing?"

"Growing up, I had this diary my dad gave me. I used to write everything down. Every last detail of my life, the good and the bad. It was a way of releasing some of the stress from my very unhappy life being that I wasn't around people that I could actually talk to. I wrote about everything that happened to me. I couldn't speak about it out loud so I always wrote.. until I found out that I loved it. I write everything."

"I'm so proud of you." I tell her and mean it, gathering her palms in mines.

"No one has ever said that to me." She tilts her head down and I use a finger to lift her head back up by her chin.

"But I did. I believe in you and you can be anything you want... if you believe in you."

"Thank you."

"Tomorrow's Austin's birthday. He still doesn't know that I'm taking him to Jamaica, tonight. I'm planning on surprising him, but it's a risk being that he has such a busy schedule. Anyway, Emily will be here most of the day tomorrow, I want you to talk to her, about anything, it'll be good for you. I'll be back on Friday. Cassie will stay here with you both nights I'm away, okay?"

It's now Wednesday, Austin's birthday is tomorrow and we return on Friday.


"I'll miss you." She takes my hands in hers and I felt my heart smile.

"I'll miss you too little brat and I'll call you." I shuffle her hair and head back to my room.

Dialing Nathan, he picks up on the first ring. "This is Nathan." He answers.

"Hey Nate. Are they done?"

"Yup! When do you want them?"

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