17 - Explaination

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Song: Taylor Swift - Blank Space
~cause I got a blank space baby~


It's been 6 days since the party and I still hadn't gotten a solid explaination from Austin that makes sense. My expectations are probably too high right now; but we told each other we love each other without taking any of it back this time so I think that should be enough reason for me to feel entitled.

I find it so disrespectful that all Austin had to say was either "It wasn't what it looked like." Or "You won't understand."


Why wouldn't I understand? I'm his.. whatever, what is he keeping from me? What is going on between him and Eva that "I won't understand"? Despite the weirdness that surrounds us, we are friends first and he's always been honest.

I decide against thinking too hard on that. I'll stay at my place and avoid Austin as much as possible until he feels the need to start being honest with me again.

I switched over my schooling from full time to online due to my rapidly changing and busy life.

Since this week I've gotten numerous invitations to functions and party appearances that I'm obviously not interested in because I'd have to act all preppy and shit. Gina too when I do decide to show up, so we're making money together, ain't that the real best friends goal. Also, companies have been sending me offers for ads and modeling. I'm becoming a full blown public figure which sometimes scares me but I like the new experiences.

Even though my parents are fine and own a huge interior design business together, I'm still glad I can now buy nice things for them and send them gifts from time to time. They've gone back to England 2 days early because of their businesses.

Although, it's so overwhelming at times, I feel like my life is changing and I sometimes drift from the goals that I've initially set. I never let it get to me though, I keep a firm grip on who I am through all the anxiety and drastic changes. I will graduate and start my acting career, but who am I to debate with God for giving me other talents?

Today I have to pick up my first cheque from the magazine, which simply means I might have to see Austin.

I'm really not in the mood to see him, this is exactly why it's bad to mix business with pleasure. But I'm a big girl, a business woman, I'll collect the bag and leave like a boss bitch should. Fuck all that extra shit.

I apply my makeup and gather my hair in a high bun. I put on jewellery as well. I'm wearing a black leather turtle neck midi dress and a pair of snake print pointy mouth boots. I grab my coat and bag and head over to Image.

It's when I get there, I remembered Eva works for him. I resist the urge to get super annoyed and simply keep it 'professional'.

I head to Austin's office and when I enter I see him and Eva looking at papers scattered over his desk and as if they were discussing what is on them. As soon as I get inside and they're aware of my arrival, Austin shuffles all the files into a folder jacket and hands it to her quickly.

I don't know why I'm becoming confused but trying to simply not care because she works for him so obviously she'll show him documents from time to time. Apparently, confidential things that I can't know.

"Am I interrupting something?" I ask.

"Actually, Eva was just leaving."

She nods at Austin and proceeds to leave the room.

"Yas, I mean, Miss Scott." she nods at me.

"Hey there, Eva." I hope she doesn't sense the dryness of my tone.

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