30 - The Fight

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Song: Nicki Minaj - Chun Li
~bitch, it's King Kong!


It's been a few days since I heard about my sister's tragedy. She might think I don't care because she wouldn't know what really happened with me after that and I have no intentions on telling her to add more stress.

I decide against calling her and drift towards the idea to fly to Chicago for a day to see her. I want to be there for her, in the flesh. Austin isn't coming because he has some new important deals that require his direct attention, I am taking his jet though.

As we both prepare to leave the house to go about our separate ways, my phone rings. "Hi." I say. I leave the room to speak in private. "Since we can't get to meet, I sent you the stuff in your email."

"And how soon do you want them to be done?" Nathan asks.

"In 4 days."

"Oh wow."

"Nathan.. you said anything." My tone comes out as a warn which wasn't the intention but that's just me and I'm hoping he took the bait.

"Don't worry about it, you can count on me."

"Thank you."

I head back in the room to finish getting ready. Austin is looking like a million bucks in his red and black designer tux per usual and I mentally fight the urge to eat him.

"Who was that?" he asks as he gently tugs at the and of jacket to adjust it.

"Who was who?"

"On the phone." His tone slightly switched from normal to annoyed and I decide against scolding him for it because that's just who we are.


"You left the room to talk to nobody?"

"It's nothing really." I shrug.

"Oh well, I'm leaving for work now. Safe trip." He strides across the huge room to create his iconic pattern of kisses to my face. I bite his lip playfully and he winces.

"Ariel.." he mutters and recoils quickly when he realizes the simple but dangerous he just made. My eyes zero in on him as my mind goes into immobilization mode.

"Ariel?" I whisper and he opens his mouth twice to say something but nothing comes out.

"I'm sorry, I.. I saw her at the hospital and I didn't know she'd be the doctor, it caught me by surprise and I.." he rambles on and I place a finger over his lips to calm him from his uneasy state which I only witness whenever Ariel is involved.

So it was Ariel; the doctor. My doctor. I knew my denial of refusing to believing the doctor is thee Ariel would eventually come to an end and accept that it was her, but I was still hoping it wouldn't. I intentionally avoided asking Austin and I intentionally ignored how he was acting off the moment she stepped in the room. The woman is beautiful and accomplished. She was his first love. Should I feel threatened? Can I compete with that? Is he even over her?

"It's okay." I simply tell him even though I have a thousand questions which I rather to answer on my own than to hear what I don't want to hear if I ask Austin.

Before I fall into hyperventilation with this uneasy adrenaline and crestfallenness, I head to the mall. I use this opportunity as a therapy to not think about Ariel and easy my insecurity before leaving L.A. 

I want to get Jas something nice to cheer her up so I drive to a Chanel store nearby and park outside.

He called me Ariel.

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