42 - In About 9 Months

460 32 4

Song: Chance The Rapper ft Nicki Minaj - Zanies And Fools
~I'm bout to walk down the aisle and be a mommy~

2 updates in one day...


"Baby, wake up."

My eyes slowly open from the sound of Austin's angelic voice. This is the second time I'll be laying down on a hospital bed with Austin sitting beside me.

"You're awake." He breathes.

I slowly sit up at the edge of the bed, putting my feet down. I raise my hand to my forehead as soon as I discover a slight headache that makes me squint. "What happened?"

"You fainted... again."


Ariel places a hand on my shoulder and I inwardly shudder. It must take real talent for her to be this professional or this is the least she can do to make up for all the pain she'd caused Austin in the past. "Yasmine, you're pregnant."

My eyes widen then I glance at her immediately, realizing from her face expression that she's serious even though she looks away after two seconds. I glance over at Austin quickly for confirmation to see if he has the same face expression, and he does. He stands and comes closer to me, holding my face between his palms and for the moment the entire universe freezes.

"You're pregnant." He searches my eyes, switching his focus from one eye ball to the next then placing a soft kiss to my forehead as his palm rakes around the side of my neck.

I push him aside to face the doctor when I snap back to reality. "That's impossible. There must be some mistake."

"Would you like me to test your urine again? Maybe pee again to prove that it actually came from you?" She asks, clearly amused and I'm realizing that she might actually be a nice girl.

"But I was.. but the doctors said.."

"Doctors make mistake all the time and miracles do happen, Yas. I'm %120 sure that you're pregnant pregnant. Austin made me double check.. well 4 times while you were unconscious." I ignore her use of Austin's name and smiling at him as well, but in this nerve-wracking moment, that's the very least of my problems.

My heart quickens its pace and so many emotions begin to consume me alive. I anxiously try to replay the conversation I just had to make sure I heard correctly, and I'm in a hospital, not an asylum after going mad. "So I didn't faint because I walked in on Chloe and Leah kissing.."

"No. The hormones caused you to faint. You might feel a little dizziness from time to time as well." She informs me.

"Chloe and Leah kissing?" Austin asks.

"Yes uh.. they're together. I didn't want to tell you because Chloe is still having issues accepting it herself."

"Wow. Okay. Well, that's not important right now. Doc? Carry on." He dismisses the topic and refocuses on the initial one as if it was nothing.

My brain snaps back to what's really happening right now. "I have been peeing a lot lately, crazy cravings, my breasts hurt, sensitivity to smell and extremely tiredness. I started waking up even at noon now."

"Right. Please, lower your carb intake. Also drink more water and eat healthier. I'm just trying to avoid giving you pills, okay?" She states and I nod in agreement.

"And absolutely no alcohol. No more wine." She adds.

I ignore her taking another glance at Austin as he holds my hand. His smile, I can see the happiness behind his eyes. And then it hit me.. I place both hands on my tummy, looking down at it.

"So I'm with child? A little tiny human being is in here right now? It's a miracle." My voice breaks as the revelation sets in deeper.

I couldn't control the sudden tears, but tears of joy. How is this real? I was told I will never get pregnant again. I remember what Jasmine said to me the day when I was driving.

"Doctors have said that to many women who happen to have children after. Doctors are doctors. As mom would say, the only doctor you should believe in is God, he's the greatest physician."

The tears appear more in abundance, my sobs getting deeper and more frequent as I hold my face.

"Why is she so sad? Isn't this a good thing?" I hear Austin asks her.

"Don't worry, it's just the hormones again, she's happy. You only have this to go through for like, let's see.. 9 months?" She chuckles and Austin sighs in disappointment, not about the baby but about the heavy emotions that comes with it.

I wipe my face and inhale sharply, pulling myself together as Austin rubs my shoulder. "Can we go now?" I ask trying to conceal my feelings.

"Sure!" The doctor beams.

Finding Cassie in the kitchen sitting down talking on her phone, she glances at me and ends the call immediately. She jumps up terrified as if I'm a beast ready to attack her. But why wouldn't she be terrified after my fury this morning.

"I'm sorry Miss Yas. It was my daughter, she was just checking on..."

"No, I'm sorry." I walk over to her, placing my hand on her upper arm, "I shouldn't have behaved the way I did. It was out of line, rude and unacceptable. You know it's not like me to treat you like that."

She smiles and I can feel her tension loosening under my palm.

"Did Austin do something? I saw how mad you were at him too. Why were you so upset?" She is cautious with her words, not wanting to pry too much. I can sense it by her tone.

"I can't really say. But you'll figure it out in about... let's see... 9 months?" I can feel the smile tugging at the edges of my lips once her brain catches on.

She glances at me, then covers her mouth in surprise, realizing from my confirming expression what I really meant.

"You mean..." she places both hands on my belly.

"Yes." I nod frantically.

"Oh dear God."


I told you guys that I got you, now didn't I?!
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