22 - Speechless

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Song: Tory Lanes - Luv
~and I know from the first time, the first time I see your love, you got me baby.~


My thoughts are now only a blur instead of overthinking and my mouth can't form the words, let alone, find them. I cough slightly from the air that hitched in my throat. My anxiety slowly starts to sneak in and the joy in my heart gradually makes it's way to replace the anxiety.

A wave of happiness takes control of my entire mental state. What did I ever do right to deserve this? And here I was misjudging and verbally abusing him because of him and Eva's relationship. I know damn well he's incapable of such insinuations.

I glance around once again in awe, sweeping my hands against the kitchen counters and the island, stooping down, I run my fingers against the flawless marble floors. The house I was mesmerised by just a few moments ago is also mine?

I glance at Austin and Eva to find them looking at each other with proud smiles, indicating that this was the exact reaction they anticipated and it was a secret well kept despite all my curiosity and suspicions.

"Are you guys serious right now? This is... my... our house?" I raise amused brows at both of them, then shifting my focus to Austin.

Austin laughs.

"As soon as you sign the papers, sweet pea." He confirms, a warm smile tugs at the edges of his lips.

"That's it?" I ask.

"Of course, we're gonna have to wrap up a few stuff with my lawyer but we don't have to worry about that for now. Now, we celebrate and make fun of how dumb you look right now."

A single gasp of surprised laughter escapes my gawking mouth before running into Austin, stifling him in a hug. He lifts my body off the floor, my legs wrap around his waist in the motion. I'm happy, anxious and overwhelmed at the same time.

No I won't be the typical preppy girl that are too proud and would probably say some cliché, tacky shit like 'oh I can't accept this, it costs too much..' blah blah.

I didn't choose this lifestyle, it chose me and if God prefers for me to have finer things, finer wine and finer men, then who am I to debate?

"This is really happening. But I'm gonna have to move, get my address legally changed.." I ramble, Austin cuts me off by placing his index finger over my lips.

"Breathe.. don't think about anything right now. It's an insult to me when you worry about things that I can have done in one day." He says in a cocky tone, sounding even more cockier than me for a change and I wonder how can two of the most cockiest people make such a good match. But know what my mathematics lecturer always says, two negatives make a positive.

I shake my head, smiling up at him. Raking my hands around his neck, I savour him into a kiss, forgetting our surroundings for a moment.

Gina enters the room. "Hey uh.. sorry to interrupt.." She trails off.

I hop down off Austin. "Wait, you knew about this?" I ask my best friend.

"They all knew." Eva tells me and my mouth drops open again.

"Also, Austin flew in your parents yesterday too." Gina adds wearing a sheepishly guilty smile.

They all begin chuckling among themselves.

"And to think you sneaky little shit filled my head up with all these shit about Eva, you were all playing me this whole time! I can't believe this, you guys are insane!" I turn to Eva with an apologetic smile, "Eva, I'm so sorry if I offended you..."

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