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Mr and Mrs. Blake continued onto a new, blossoming life as husband and wife. The kids grew up beautiful, smart and healthy. The family graced the cover of Image once again. Raking in millions which most of the proceeds was donated to infertile women who considered surrogacy but couldn't afford it; Mrs. Blake's idea of course. Her way of making motherhood possible for women who can't conceive due to physical barriers.

Mrs. Yasmine Blake graduated from Full Sail University with her bachelors degree in cinematography and business. She became an aspiring, award winning actress and later opened her own movie studio in Hollywood while continuing with her masters and raising two kids all at the same time.

Austin Blake's, Image, has risen to the be the number one magazine in America, still dominating the media industry.

Gina's clothing line strived and grew over time. She later got 3 stores in 3 different states such as Texas, Massachusetts and Florida. Her clothes are now being worn by celebrities and public figures.

Chloe and Leah became extremely famous models and became the first lesbian couple to grace the cover of Image as well. They bought a house in L.A and moved in together. Chloe also started a movement to strengthen young girls to fuel the flames against rapists and child molesters. Gradually, they also became activists, supporting feminism and fighting sexism.

Jasmine got pregnant a few months after the wedding and had a beautiful baby boy that she named Eric.

Everyone still had their personal ups and downs but they lived beautiful lives regardless.


Yasmine - main character, named after my best friend/sister. (Partly fictional)

Austin - Yasmine's husband. (Fictional)

Georgina - Yasmine's best friend, named after me. (Partly fictional)

Jay - Gina's boyfriend. (Fictional)

Charles and Marilyn Blake - Austin's parents. (Fictional)

Mr and Mrs. Scott - Yasmine's parents. (Partly fictional)

Anthony - Austin's best friend. (Fictional)

Jasmine - Yasmine's sister. (Partly fictional)

Kendall - Austin's ex wife. (Fictional)

Mark - Yasmine's ex boyfriend. (Partly Fictional)

Cassie - Yas and Austin's maid. (Fictional)

Chloe - the girl Yas met in jail and moved into her home. (Fictional)

Leah - Chloe's girlfriend. (Fictional)

Esther and John - Chloe's mother and step father. (Fictional)

Emily - Yas and Austin's personal therapist. (Fictional)

Eva - Austin's realtor (Fictional)

Alicia - Yasmine's long time friend and makeup artist. (Fictional)

Sammy - Yasmine's stylist. (Fictional)

Andrew - Austin's director. (Fictional)

Bruce - Austin's driver. (Fictional)

Nathan - Yasmine's artist. (Fictional)

Sidney - Yasmine's dog. (Fictional)


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