25 - Terror

490 41 1

Song: Eminem - Stay ft Dido/long version.
~the morning rain clouds up my window, and I can't see it all.~


Accepting a new deal with Avon didn't even change my mood or offered any form of excitement. All I want to do is get it done and leave. I'm only even going through with is because I already said yes. Accepting then backing down is bad for your character in business; I learned this from the man himself.

The only thing that did brought a pang of light to me was when Jas whispered in my ear that she was pregnant. She literally almost had to tie me up to conceal my excitement; she wants to keep it private until they know the gender. That excitement gradually fades when my own reality begins to set back in after feeding off Jasmine's happiness to possibly overshadow mine.

Driving from the photo studio, I decide against heading home, turning the car around. My car now headed to the museum that I went few days ago. Not remembering the way so I utilize the navigational system.

As I arrive, I park my car and walk inside. Eyeing around, I see someone walking pass me in work attire and I can only assume she works here. "Excuse me." I say.

She turns on her heels to face me. "Mhmm?" She hums sweetly, welcoming me with a smile.

"Do you know someone by the name of uh.. Nathan? He sold me a painting a few days ago here?"

"Nathan comes and goes. He's not here today."

"Okay, thank you so much for that information." I head out to my car again and settle myself comfortably inside. Remembering that he gave me his business card, I start to dig through my purse for it. Shoot, it seems it's in another purse. The one I was wearing that day. Of course.

With a huff, I do the obvious and begin heading home. I make my way to the bar inside my home and pour myself a glass of Anthony's fine white wine. Yes, the house also has a bar. I pause when the glass reaches my mouth, then downing all the content inside. I pour myself another glass and repeat the same pattern.

I now head upstairs to my room, taking the wine with me. I find that Austin is already home typing away on his laptop in the bed. "You're home early." I say closing the door behind me.

"Migraine." He mumbles.

I ignore him, in search of the purse that I wore to the museum. Bingo. I gather the card and my phone then head up to the attic. Once I'm comfortably seated in front of the painting, eyeing at it for a while, I feel crest fallen every time I look at it but yet, I still feel the need to see it.

I open my phone and dial the number on the card. "This is Nathan." His voice is firm and profession.

"Hi, uhm.. this is Yas. We met a few days ago? I bought a painting from you."

"How can I forget such a beautiful face." His stern voice softens a bit into a more friendly tone. I smile as if he can see me.

"I know this might be unprofessional but, you said something about carrying mental weight and if we don't deal with it, it'll never leave? Am I correct?"


"Have.. have that happened to you?" I feel this weird urge to know, the dubiousness clear in my anxious tone.

"It happens to all of us."

"H-how do you deal with it?" I stutter. Why am I stuttering?

"Well, for starters, you can talk to someone." He suggests.

"Why is that always the answer?" I sigh, taking a sip of the wine.

"Yas, I'm assuming that this has something to do with you. And if the painting is a reflection of your perception, then I'm assuming you've been carrying a burden that won't leave. The best way that I think to deal with it is to talk to someone. A psychologist or someone close to you."

"Okay, thanks for your help."

"That's all u called about? As in, the only reason for your call?" He asks.


"You can't deal with it alo..."

"Thanks for your help." I say hanging up.

"So something is bothering you." Austin's interruption causes me to jump slightly, entering the room from behind me.

"You listened to my conversation?" I turn around to face him.

"Yea, and I'm glad I did because I know you won't tell me. What's bothering you?" He asks.

"I already said it, nothing."

A look of disappoint flashes across his eyes. Taking his hands out his pockets, he pulls up his pants slightly from the knee area and stoops down in front me. I look away unknowingly to avoid eye contact.

"I've known you for almost a year now. You're the happiest, most vibrant person I've ever known. And because of that, it even made me a better person too. You radiate nothing less than boldness. I'm a new and happy man because of you. You deducted a part of you and gave it to me to make me whole again. Let me give it back to you. We promised to heal each other, put your fears aside and allow me to heal you too." His words seep through me, capturing a breath in my throat as he takes my hands in his.

"Something's not right, I can see it in your eyes. It's written all over you."

Tears damp my face without even crying and I don't know how. I feel numb and broken and the scariest part is that I've felt this way before. I down the entire remaining of the wine as I can feel Austin's gaze burning directly into me.

My phone rings. An unknown number and I ignore it. It rings three more times until I decide to answer, maybe it's important. "Hello?" I say reluctantly.

My whole body freezes before my phone falls from my hand to the ground. My heartbeat pounding through my chest as I can feel my anxiety immensely taking control.

"What's wrong?" Austin asks worryingly. "Yas, who was that!?"

I turn to him, terrified and temporarily lost for words..

The next thing I find myself doing is fleeing from the room, grabbing my keys and running as fast as I can to my car. I can hear Austin's footsteps chasing me. I jump back into my car and speed away as the tires screeches.

I hit the breaks immediately to allow an old lady to pass the gate with her dog. She looks terrified. Driving out and adjusting my mirror as I forgot to do so when entering the car, I notice one of Austin's cars behind me, tailing me.

I speed up trying to lose him. I desperately just want to be somewhere alone to let out all this abrupt amount of pain.

I continue to speed, even breaking a red light.

Almost crashing into a truck, I make a big swing...

The sound of a crash, glass shattering, screaming and terror is the last thing I remember hearing.


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