21 - Surprise

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Song: G-Eazy & Halsey - Him & I
~we got that love, the crazy kind~

Okay, so I decided to stretch it another chapter, but this is the real deal. Today we find out what we've been wanting to know. What's the deal with Austin and Eva?? Enjoy!


"Okay, why are we flying all the way to L.A?" I ask, scowling at my phone as my feet leads me into Austin's private jet.

Why am I scowling at my phone? Out of nowhere, for some twisted reason, my ex decided call me last night. As soon as I found out who it was, I hung up before Austin entered the room and went crazy on me. The fact that he wants to make my life miserable again is the exact reason why he's an ex. He has always been a selfish, egotistical piece of shit and the King of toxic masculinity.

Your ex girlfriend aka 'the best thing that'd ever happened to you' moved on and found happiness, all of a sudden you want to play house? Someone sees the beauty in her, treasures it and all of a sudden you're 'missing out' huh.. And knowing him, it's not even about seeing Austin and I together and wants to right his wrongs after feeling guilty; he's just sick to his stomach that I wasn't this happy with him. It's all about his ego. Not me, not him; his damn ego.

Fucking piece of shit.

I fucked the brains out of Austin and swallowed all the evidence after hearing that bastard's haunting voice which gave me negative nostalgia. And in a psychopathic way, I will admit that I felt better mentally afterwards and now we're back to our present lives.

"I think this is why your head is big. It sure stores a lot of questions inside there." He taunts and I swat his arm, earning a throaty chuckle.

I trust him and for once, I put my fear of heights aside and as soon as I eat, I slip away into a deep sleep, not waking up until we're landed.

His drive is here which takes us on another 30 minutes drive as I continue to pretend that I'm not annoyed. My imagination is still all over the planet, trying to find out where Austin is taking me and what the hell this has to do with Eva. I still cannot come up with a valid reason but I'm about to find out either way so why am I subconsciously struggling to find out something that I'm about to find out anyway? That doesn't only seem dumb, it actually is.

"I like your suit buy the way." I compliment him, scanning him with my eyes from head to toe like he's a piece of meat.

"Thanks, you look quite ravishing yourself." He responds uncomfortably and I hold in a giggle, finding this adorable.

I adjust my already adjusted hair that's all down on my right side as the car comes to a halt and I immediately peek outside where my eyes land upon some high gates guarding a huge property. Perfectly lawned grass, small trees sculpted into cute unidentified shapes, a beautiful garden on my right and finally the pathway leading up to the door steps of a modern designed, petulant mansion. "Oh my goodness. Austin, who lives here?"

He doesn't answer, he simply smiles so there's not much I can detect by his expression. As a psychological strategy, I should probably hold him for keeping me in suspense, knowing I have anxiety at times.

The gates automatically open and we drive inside. There are two guards at the gate. They simply allow us in without checking, it's like they were already expecting us. I wind the car window down, gaping around, admiring this heaven sent palace.

Once the car stops, Austin gets out and comes around to open my door. I take his hand coming out and we walk towards the doors of the entrance.

He knocks on the door and a maid opens it giving us a hand gesture welcoming us inside. We nod at her smiling while she quickly rushes back to her duties, I assume.

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