28 - Emily

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Song: Dr. Dre ft Eminem and Skylar Grey - I Need A Doctor
~I need a doctor.~

#248 in problems out of 1.44k stories. Yaay.

Guys, I know most of us, if not all, main wish is for these two to get married and have cute babies. Don't be sad about her not being able to have kids, again, don't worry. About that, I got y'all, I promise, all you have to do is stick around!


"This is Emily. She's a therapist. Knowing you, you'd give me a hard time getting you to go to a therapist. So I'm paying her to come to us instead. It'll only be a for a few weeks and she'll be here only 3 days out each week. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sometimes Thursdays too, it depends. Each visit, she'll stay here for like 6-8 hours a day, why such long hours? Basically to talk to you, study you and evaluate you and your actions on a daily basis, so get used to seeing her around." Austin explains.

"You didn't have to do this." I let out an exasperating sigh, not bothering to protest after he went through all this.

"I'm doing it for me too. And also our relationship. We won't be having like strict sessions, you won't even know she's here at times, as I said before, all she's mainly going to do is basically watch your behavior, talk to you when I'm not here, etc."

"Isn't this a little bit overboard? I mean, how much are you paying to occupy so much of her regular work hours? And how do you know we can trust her being around our house?" That's my lame attempt for him to rethink.

"I'm going to ignore that part about money. Also, Emily is a family friend as well. She's very close to mom. My mom actually put me on to her."

At the mention of his mom, my stomach turns. What'll she say or think when she finds out that I can't give her a grand child. She definitely plays a big part in the judgmental department. She'll easily convince him to be with woman with feminine capabilities. Ariel has the ability to conceive, she did get pregnant for Austin's best friend.

"Nice to meet you." I finally say to Emily, extending an arm after forcing myself out of overthinking and hyperventilating. With a shake of hands, she offers me a warm smile.

After taking a shower and getting settled, I head on down to the kitchen for dinner. Austin even moved Cassie, our maid, to L.A and covered everything she needs to stay here. A nice apartment not too far away and a decent car. The money he pays her, is way more than enough to cover her personal expenses.

For a very wealthy man, he trusts the woman a lot. He didn't want to hire another stranger to take care of our home, and this way, Cassie keeps her job as well. With all her warmth and motherly treatments towards everyone, how could we all not love her. Even Sidney adores the woman. I even send her home early some evenings when I want to prepare dinner myself.

I head to the kitchen as Austin chooses to go and take a shower first. I'm starving, I couldn't wait to eat. I claim a seat and get seated comfortably as Emily comes and sit across from me, making herself a plate as well. We begin to eat in silence until..

"So what do you do for fun, Yas?"

I pause taking a glance at her. "I like shopping, going to new restaurants, I love to eat.. obviously." I say looking at the size of my plate, my life almost revolves around food. She laughs.

"But what would you like to do that's spontaneous? Something more.. exciting and over the top."

"Between me and you, next week Thursday is Austin's birthday. I'm planning on taking him to Jamaica." I squeak silently, the excitement evident in my tone by just the thought.

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