14 - Disapproval

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Song: Akon - Don't Matter
~nobody wanna see us together, but it don't matter no~


"So how long have you two been seeing each other?" Marilyn asks her son and try my very best to avoid the weird feeling I get from her tone.

"We've been together for about 6 months now!" I respond without premeditating my stupid impulse to interrupt. She turns her head towards me slowly, I can tell she's not pleased with my interruption by her 'I wasn't talking to you' face. She smiles a little though.

"We're also working on a new issue for my magazine and Vogue Arabia will also be involved. We're so excited, I can't wait for you guys to see it!" Austin beams.

"Sounds great, son!" Charles, Austin's father chimes in.

I smile at him in response before redirecting my eyes to my plate, not looking at anything in particular. And I'm unsure as to why I'm holding the fork so tight, whitening my fingertips. Charles seem more welcoming though. Austin always told me how tough is mom is, she might even be tougher than his dad if his dad allows it but he knows when and how to put her in her place.

"So it took you only 6 months.." Marilyn looks directly at me.

"Excuse me?" I'm confused.

"You know, to vanquish an entire marriage." Her tone is calm yet full of venom.

There's an awkward silence for a few seconds.

"Ma'am, you must've been confused about something." I say to her.

"No, what confuses me is how you came out of nowhere and changed all of our lives. Miss Yas, I know young and beautiful girls like you. I've been there, there's always a second agenda with you. Now, tell me..-"

"Mom!" Austin hisses through his clenched teeth and I'm thankful for his intrusion.

"Yes, son?" She coos as if she didn't just insulted me and insinuated that I'm a gold digging tramp.

"Can we just eat? I think you're making Yasmine a little.. uncomfortable. Let's just enjoy our meal?"

"Sweetheart? Stop it this instance. I don't want to hear another petty remark from your mouth for the rest of the evening." Charles says to her and I'm almost amused by the way she shuts down and deflates. "Son, all your mother wants is for you to be happy. You know how overprotective she can get. Its only because she loves you so much." Charles tries his best to make up for his wife's behavior.

Throughout the entire exchange, Marilyn's smug smile remains. A smile that doesn't sit well with my anxiety and it doesn't go away unless Charles snap at her. Even though there's obvious tension, we keep it cool and professional. But I'm feeling really annoyed and simply just want to leave.

Worst of all, I hate the feeling of pretending. It's so annoying to be uncomfortable and have to play like I am. I wanted this to be an experience where I could be myself and be relaxed. Naive of me to expect that from people like these? Definitely.

"And if she did care for me, she would support my decisions and stop trying to control my life instead. Telling me who to date and not date. Certain things has nothing to do with money, things like love and relationships. I'm happy and I love Yasmine, we're all just going to live with that." Austin continues and my heart skips a beat at the mention ya relationship and love.

"I know that you're happy son, I can see it all over your face. I personally have never seen you glow this much. It's obvious that Miss Yas here is good for your energy and I think you two are perfect for each other!" Austin shares a small laughter with his dad. Out of the two parents, I'll decide that Charles is my favorite.

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