16 - Eva

620 47 2

Song: Rihanna ft Akon - Emergency Room
~I gotta say, I found this a bit shocking~


We're in the same room getting styled for tonight but the awkward silence between us doesn't goes unnoticed.

Thank God my makeup artist, Alicia has a sense of humor to save me from the social torture between him and I.

My hair and face is finished and the only thing left to put on is my outfit. We have a whole hour remaining, so I told Alicia to take a break and grab anything she wants from the fridge.

Yes I trust Alicia, she's actually my class mate in high school and we were pretty close back then, never really fell off contact. She was the only person to defend me then and standing up to bullies. She was also one of those few people who stuck with me despite how it'd make their reputations look; being seeing with the nerdy girl that has knotty hair.

She told me that she started beauty school a year ago and by the looks of her popping instagram account and the works she's done, who better to give the job to?

She comes back crunching down on Doritos and a soda in her hands.

"Soda?" I raise a brow.

"Don't worry Yas, my metabolism won't allow anything that you're insinuating." She laughs.

"True. I mean, look how skinny you are. You're fucking hot! Well, you were meant to look bomb all your life, you've always looked the same, since high school right up until now. Even after a baby." I gape at her body, she could easily be a model too.

"And you were meant to be a star! Look at you on a magazine cover and your dream career haven't even started yet. Girl, I envy you." she waves me off.

"Hmm, tricky story, but I'm grateful and still humble."

"Humble I see. Your man is rich and hot and you're now a millionaire, real humble you are!"

"Well, I'm not a millio..-"

"Yet! You're not a millionaire... yet!" Her silly antics causes a smile to play on my cheeks as I refuse the urge to correct the title she gave to Austin and I.

"Well, you know me. Never the type to be caught up with vanity. I.. fell in.. got close with Austin for reasons that had nothing to do with money. So maybe that's why I'm still so humble with everything happening."

I bite in my lower lip, wondering if my statement was true or false. Is our relationship solely based from money, or is money an excuse we use to stay around each other. The question I ask myself everyday and can't seem to come up with an answer, and when I do, I ignore it.

"Well I'm happy for you. Just hold on to that man. And you're one lucky girl!Because I know bitches are dying to get their nasty little claws all over him. You better watch out."

Her silly antics earns a small chuckle from me before she walks away.

I never really thought about something like what she said. I glance over at Austin and of course to find him fine as hell with his freshly cut hair.

He looks to my direction, finding my eyes as if he felt my gaze burning into him, then signalling his Taylor that he'll be back, I assume. He starts towards me, straddling a seat in front of me and lazily settling his eyes on my freshly lined lips. Our gazes remain matched for about a minute.

"So, is Eva gonna be there?" I break the stare battle and the annoying silence.

"No. Why though?" He asks dryly.

"Just asking." My tone switches to innocent.

He searches my expression with his eyes. "Why the sudden curiosity? You never cared about anyone who works for me."

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