38 - She Said Yes

399 33 4

Song: Bruno Mars - Marry You
~I think I wanna marry you~


"Wake up sleepy head." Chloe's voice ruins my dream of unicorns and colored waterfalls as she shakes me out my slumber.

I groan, rubbing my eyes, "what time is it?"

"It's almost 12 noon, mama bear."

"Really?" My eyes flick wider open, scrunching them back half closed from the uncomfortable lighting.

"Yep. Must be all that driving and stuff we did from yesterday made you so tired."

"Maybe." I drop my head back on the pillow. "Wait, you're in my room." I jolt back upwards to see clearer. "You're in our room."

"It's okay. Austin said I could come in here. I guess he.. trusts me now? He's here too." She shrugs, both of us sharing a grin.

"So did you have fun at the party? I didn't even get to ask." I want to know. I really want her to have a fun but mentally healthy social life. She needs at least that.

"Yes! It was so much fun. I met a lot of people." She nods, smiling.

"That's great." I brush my thumb against her chin.

I leave her tapping away on her phone to take a shower and freshen up then head downstairs to get something to eat. I'm starving.

"What is that smell?" I approach the living room where Austin is seated.

"What smell?" His face lined with confusion, inhaling deeper but still nothing by his expression.

I sniff the air like an animal as I move towards Austin. "It's you."

"Okay?" He stares at me as if I've formed a second head with snakes sticking out of it.

"You're wearing cologne." My tone is as if I've just discovered something highly interesting.

"Uuhh, I.. kinda always wear cologne? You know that I love colognes..." he trails off.

"Right." My brows knit slightly, holding up an index finger.

I head to the kitchen. "What's on the menu today, Cassie?" I ask with a smile.

"Well, I prepared some fish..."

"Oh no no no... no. My taste buds say.. chicken pasta."

"Anything you say, Yas." Her eyes squints at me.

"And add cheese. A lot of cheese." I shoot her a wink then retreating back to the living room where Austin and Chloe are.

"Gina's mag launches in a few days. I'm so excited." I tell them.

"Yes, I've seen a copy of it and it's.. crazy." Even Austin is impressed and he doesn't care much for women's fashion.

Gina is having a small party at her new apartment to celebrate the launch of her mag tomorrow. I'm going shopping today and I'm taking Chloe along with me.

"Chloe, we're going shopping today, go get ready." I instruct and she grins, rushing upstairs immediately.

"What time will you be back?" Austin asks.

"Around 4-ish, why?"

"I was planning on taking you somewhere nice. You know, a nice romantic date?"

"I'd love that." A smile tugs at my cheeks so hard, it hurts.

I head on upstairs to get ready to leave. Dragging on a puma track suit and Adidas shoes as Chloe wears shorts, cold shoulder, long sleeved top and Nike sneakers. Her red her in a high bun as mine is down.

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