40 - Party

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Song: Iggy Azalea - Fancy ft Charli XCX 💃🏼
~I'm so fancy, you already know~ ✨


Austin agreed for Gina to move the party here at our house. Based on the amount of guests expected, it's too much for Gina's space. Leah says she's going to get ready here as they spend hours just trying to figure out what to wear tonight.

My parents are thrilled about my engagement, they literally had no words, like stuttering no words. However on Austin's end, for some reason he had to went through yet another evaluation series with his parents just to get their blessing. The fact that they ended up giving us their version of congratulations means the world to us, I'm not sure why those people are so difficult. Well, Marilyn, definitely not Charles. His mother is so sensitive about the decisions he makes in his love life, especially after the disasters with Ariel, Kendall, the divorce, the money being lost, everything.. If it's up to Charles alone, he'd allow Austin to marry even an escort as long as he's happy with her.

Wait. Wait a damn minute...

The door rings and Cassie pipes up first to answers it. She calls me down to tell me that Gina is already here. She's carrying a bag that looks filled with stuff.

"Gina!" I practically race down the stairs.

"Well helloooo future Mrs. Blake!" Her grin couldn't spread any wider, eliciting one of my own.

"I could get used to that." I hug my best friend.

"I know that's right."

"Hi Gina." Chloe says coming down the stairs with her friend Leah.

"Hey Chloe! You really made a friend huh." Gina smiles up at her.

"Yeah." Chloe smiles after taking a satisfying glance at Leah.

"Aaleeyah, right?" Gina asks.

"Call me Leah." Leah replies.

"Okay everybody, who wants ice cream?" I ask prior to all of us retreating to the kitchen. "By the way Gina, what's with the bag?"

"Oh, I'm gonna get ready here, if that's okay.." she trails off

"Fine with me!"

Each of us fix ourselves a huge bowl of cookie and cream ice cream that we all eat from and girl talk about the obvious. Austin isn't here, he still has other meetings to wrap up and I hate that I'm still not used to his absence and a part of me goes with him whenever he leaves.

"By the way Gina, thank you so much for that cheque you sent me." Chloe beams and Gina scoffs.

"You worked for that cheque ma'am!" She waves off Chloe before turning to me. "So Yas, when are you gonna announce it to the world that you're getting married to Austin Blake?" She says his name is if he's some form of God.

"Soon, I guess. But for now, it's just for me and my family and friends to embrace. I'm still getting used to the idea." I shrug. The thought alone makes me anxious.

"I'm dying for that bitch Kendall to see." Gina rolls her eyes. So that's why she's so eager.

"Well, I like Kendall." All eyes shift to Chloe. What?

"Kendall?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Think about it. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here. To Kendall." She raises her spoon filled with ice cream earning herself a series of laughter, clanking our spoons together.

Not sure if she told Leah how exactly Kendall made us meet but I won't mention anything about that right now just in case she hasn't told her yet. It's a good day for us girls to all celebrate our success. Gina's magazine launching, my engagement and Chloe and Leah's modeling career rising.

The decorators are here spreading their magic touches to the designated areas. The chefs are preparing the meals, torturing my insane sense of smell and Austin is on his way home. Just knowing he's almost here has my legs weakening.

It's getting dark and we're expecting the people any time soon. We're stressing out Chloe by having her doing all our faces being that she's so good at it.

The guests are beginning to come in now. Austin is now here, he doesn't bother to change as the party has already started and he looks fire anyway, in his grey tux with white shirt inside.

We take last looks on ourselves before going downstairs to meet and greet with our friends, families and business associates.

Austin's parents are here and their presence alone makes me nervous before they congratulating me; but the genuineness is clear and comforting to me. It makes me so happy that they approve. 

Apart from all the significant people, all the models from Gina's shoot have arrived. Some of the people who Austin partnered with from vogue Arabia that we had attended a business meeting and also launch party with them in Dubai. Even Eva is here and a lot more business associates and friends.

The enjoyment and socialization gradually fills the room.

Jay shows up with two of his friends. They look a little younger than him, like Chloe's age, but man, they're handsome. They walk over to us all as he introduces them to us as Connor and Prince. We all exchange handshakes.

I notice Chloe takes a glance at Connor first as he glances back at her with a smile. Hmm, I would choose him too. Gina takes a glance at me and I pick up on the movement. Gina, Jay and I leave the four to get acquainted.

After a while Austin makes himself visible. "Hey baby." He gives me his series of possessive kisses and watch as how I heat up.

"Hey, I'm gonna make a toast." Gina announces.

"Don't mention our engagement. This moment is really about you." I remind her by whispering in her ear.

"Yas, this party is happening because of your fiancé. And you are my best friend. You are the moment. And what are these achievements if we can't celebrate them together."

"Okay." I give in. It's clear that she's made up her mind.

"Wait, Chloe and Leah are not in the room." I look around not seeing any sign of them.

"Well, the boys are still here, maybe they went to the bathroom to freshen up?" Gina suggests with a shrug.

"Hold that thought, I'mma go fetch them."

I scan the large kitchen with my eyes but no sign of them. The bathroom downstairs, but they're not here. I head upstairs to check Chloe's room.

As I open the door, the last thing I remember is me getting dizzy and my body hitting the ground from fainting.


Yas, this is the wrong time to be fainting! I wonder what she saw!
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