53 - I Do

533 29 5

Song: Jagged Edge - Let's Get Married
~meet me at the alter in your white dress.~


"Where's the babies?" My eyes flutter open as my consciousness brings me to the realisation of a slight headache. Then the sight of the girls sitting around in my room.

"Cassie has them downstairs." Alecia tells me.

"What time is it?"

"6:00am" Jasmine replies as she examines her flawless face in the mirror.

"6? Why so early?" I ask, wondering why everyone is up and standing around in my room like lost kittens. When do I actually get any privacy? Why are people always inside here?

"You're getting married today." Jasmine deadpans, turning around and folding her hands with a smirk.

My eyes widen. Right.


I'm getting married today!


I'm probably the worst bride in the history of brides. I squirm out of the sheets, tossing them from around me and jolting out of bed.

"I'm getting married today!" I squeal, slapping my hands over my mouth.

"YEAHH!" They all shout cheering, throwing their hands in the air.

"Last night was crazy, right?" I slowly resettle myself back on the bed.

"Right. And I thought I was a lesbian." Leah takes a glance at the girls with a scoff.


"Oh wow. She doesn't remember." Gina adds, placing her fingers slightly over her lips, glancing at the girls.

"I heard that." I snarl at Gina. "Remember what? And what do you mean by lesbian?" I ask Leah.

"You really don't remember. You totally made out with a stripper on stage!" Chloe's amusement and impressed reaction by my actions annoys me. "You took like a million shots and puked all the way back home!" Her smile now fades, crinkling her nose in disgust as she remembers the event.

"I made out with what?" With the shock evident in my voice, I jolt up again from the bed.

"With who." Leah playfully corrects.

"Girl, don't sweat it." Gina waves me off. "You rock! I mean, it was just one night, your bachelorette night!"

"Yeah. And who knows what the boys did. Girls gotta have fun too." Jasmine says as I dispose myself back in the bed in embarrassment.

"Cheer up girl. All that matters is that last night is behind you. It's a celebration of your last day being single. You earn the right to let loose and release your inner hoe." Gina mocks and they all giggle.

"Or inner lesbian." Leah jokes, playfully shoving Chloe in the side with her elbows as both of them giggle.

"It's not funny!" I yell. "That's basically cheating!"

"No," Gina holds up a correctional finger, it's not. This is different. It's just fun, a celebration of your last night being single, it meant nothing." She says and I shake my head. What if Austin kissed some stripper? Would it be 'just celebrating'? I need to tell him. "So tell me, Yas.. are you like.. a secret bisexual?" A stupid grin plays on Gina's face and they all chuckle.

"Stop that!"

"Girl, relax. Let's go get you dolled up.. we're getting you married to a billionaire today!" Jasmine shouts and I watch in content as to how they all cheer.

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