45 - Mother(2)

368 27 0

Song: Jessie J - Who You Are
~it's ok not to be ok~


I groan from the aches I feel, reaching around for my lower back as I turn to find Chloe and Leah's figures hovering over me. Leah holds a trey in her hand, my attention zeroes in on them before rolling my eyes.

"Why do you people keep ambushing me? Come on now, look at the size of this house, and I still can't get any privacy? Or is it because of the size of the house why I can't get any privacy?" I complain, pushing my body up from the bed.

"Mr. Blake wants us to take good care of you when he's not around. He insists!" Leah beams, taking an accomplished glance at Chloe.

By the tone of her voice, I can tell that Austin is paying them to do all this nonsense.

"So he's bribing you too." I deadpan.

"Let's not trouble ourselves about that. It is now our duties to make sure that you don't do anything, lift anything, eat right, stay rested.." Chloe goes on as both of them take seats beside me.

"It's pregnancy, not cancer!" I snap, my eyes squinted and my mouth half open from frustration.

I'm super annoyed that Austin is doing all of this as if I can't take care of myself. Is he that carried away about us having a baby? This is ridiculous. I glance over on the trey that Leah is holding.

"And what is this?" I crinkle my nose, lifting a piece of toast bread and dropping it back on the plate. "This is not what I wanted." I say with the hope of possibly making my own breakfast for the first in a long time. I want these people to know that I'm still a grown woman that can take care of myself. They need to save all this energy for the baby, not me.

"We had a strong feeling you might say that." Leah says, holding up an index finger.

"Tell us, what does mama bear desire today?" Chloe coos.

"I want both of you out of my room so that I can freshen up. And then I will go and make my own breakfast. And anyone that tries to go around that is not gonna like it, do you understand me?" I hope the daggers shooting from my eyes at both of them will be enough to make them understand me.

"Yes." They respond simultaneously with clasped hands and bowing like I'm some form of Goddess or master. I grimace, wondering what I've done to be caught in the middle of such mockery every single day.

Ignoring them, I head to the bathroom. When I'm back, they're out of the room. Finally, a little peace in my own sanctuary.

I jump in an oversized tank and sweat pants with socks and head downstairs where I find Chloe and Leah in the kitchen, sitting and talking among themselves. Well, Leah has been spending a lot of time here.

As I stride pass them to go and make myself some tea, Leah leaves the kitchen to use the bathroom, leaving Chloe and I alone.

I glance around the room realizing she's not present. "So about your mom.."

"She knows." Chloe cuts me off.

"Oh, okay." I say, slightly raising my eyebrows.

"Well, whenever you're ready.."

"We're going today." She mumbles in an unconcerned tone, cutting me off again.

"You sure?"

"I just want to get this over with so I can erase that monster out of my life for good. I hate her with everything in me, but I realized that I.. want to stop. I want to stop hating her. It's starting to affect my relationship with Leah and she's one of the best things that have ever happened to me other than you, I can't afford losing her because of my fucked up childhood." She pauses to give me a thoughtful look before continuing. "This is the only way I'm going to stop. I won't let her have this over me anymore." The seriousness is audible in her tone and visible on her face as I smile in response, so proud of her.

We all get ready and I throw on an oversized trench coat after changing again into a dress and boots. Leah wears a crochet top with one shoulder down, jeans and sneakers, as Chloe has on a simple top and a bomber jacket with gloves.. some skinny jeans pants and boots.

We drive for about an hour as Chloe uses google map to direct me. My car ends up in a rough looking neighborhood, with boys and girls on the side walks either smoking, drinking and staring at my car while I pass. My skin crawls. As we arrive, Chloe takes us in an old, small house at the end of the street, by itself. We get out of the car and allow Chloe to lead us to the door. The door is half open and she takes a deep breath, I rub her shoulder to provide reassurance.


To be continued..
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