5 - The Rabbit & The Spatula

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Song: Sia - Fire Meet Gasoline
~I got all I need, when you're here loving me.~

As soon as the waitress arrives, her body language makes sure to display how attractive she is. She collects our orders after we decide. She greets us both politely but somewhat adds a bit of emphasis on Austin's end of the greeting. It seems as if she knows him or something. Great.

The food arrives shortly and offering him a view of her best smile is clearly her number one priority. I shift my eyeballs towards him with a smirk of my own..

"We hooked up one time. That's it." His tone is unbothered, accompanied with a shrug. I glare at him, clearly wasn't expecting that. "What? You rather to be around a sneaky liar?"

"I agree." I nod. How about a honest person that understands that there's literally no reason to lie to someone like me? Yes, I'll have one of those. The more we get stuff like this out the way, the more comfortable I become.

My food is way more important than any of this though and before you know it, there's only remains left of the delicious goodness.

"Damn Yas, couldn't you tell me that you were hungry before, so I could've come an hour earlier?" He chuckles, clearly amused at how my girly date-code has gone through the roof as soon as the food got here.

"Nah, this is just me.. Big ol' food freak."

"That body tells a different tale."

"I go to the gym sometimes, gotta keep it tight, you know.."

"Indeed." He sneers.. I roll my eyes, realizing what he means. "So what was your previous relationships like?" He asks, realizing I have no plans of saying anything.

"Me? Nothing extra.. Other than being cheated on, lied to and manipulated, physical, mental and verbal abuse, embarrassed, pushed away for someone else, receiving sex tapes of my man and other hoes, the love of my life, well at least I thought he was, getting married to my cousin.. they're pretty fucking awesome."

My sap speech is followed by an unreadable look, pausing from whatever he was doing on his phone. "I'm so sorry you went through all of that, Yas. Really."

I laugh with no substance added to it, "don't mention it. I know better now and that will never happen to me again. I know better by learning the hard way." I take a sip of water.

"I know you must've heard this numerous times before like a broken record.. but I'm not that type of guy."

"Mhhmm, yea, I've heard that numerous times before like a broken record." I repeat. "And either way, that has nothing to do with me."

The silence returns and it's more stifling than before.

"I fell in love for the first time 4 years ago with a girl I've been in love with since kindergarten. Her name was Ariel. We literally watched each other grew up, we were inseparable as kids and I just want you to think about that before I continue." He tells me and I do think on it. Imagine growing in love with someone. That must've been an unbreakable bond. And if a bond like that has ever been broken, then he himself probably would've been broken to no repair as well.

"We got engaged and she got pregnant a while later. The best news I've ever heard at that time because I suffered from bipolarity for a while. Only to find out that the baby was for my closest friend named Kevin. It was later revealed that they were together the whole time and what makes it worst, I was the main element that brought them together. Their relationship depended on him being close to me so that they could be close to each other." He chuckles bitterly, shaking his head and I couldn't hold back that audible gasp that left my lips.

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