31 - Jail

430 37 0

Song: Nicki Minaj -Roman's Revenge ft Eminem
~I'm a bad bitch, I'm a cunt. And I'll kick that hoe, punt"

Nicki Minaj is my favorite female rapper as Eminem is my favorite male rapper!


After a lengthy debate between both officers, they finally decided to arrest me and now I'm in this nasty, unhygienic cell for about 15 minutes now which seems like a damn decade.

I'm this close to having a heat stroke. My small space is infested with rodents and filthy. I try hard to suppress my nausea, this is never a place I'd ever want to be. I can't believe that bitch pushed me this far. Well, at least now she must've learnt her lesson, not to mess with me.

"So... what's a pretty little thing like yourself doing in here?" A small feminine voice echoes from across the room, making my skin crawl.

With a discreet glance, she's skinny and her dirty blonde hair is a mess. She has on an annoyingly bright red lipstick, the poor pigmentation makes it looks awful with cheap makeup. Not being cocky, just descriptive. I think she even has a beard. No, now I'm just being an ass.

I ignore her as I try to make sure where I'm sitting is clean, as impossible and ridiculous as that may sound.

"Hey.. I'm talking to you." She repeats, sitting upright in her bed I assume.

I glare at her trying to figure out who the fuck she's talking to even though it's just the two of us in here.

"What did you do?" She slurs again, sauntering over to me.

"I kicked a bitch ass. That's what I did, so you better back the hell up." My eye contact remains on the cell bar but my voice and harsh words are enough to bring her steps to a halt.

"Ooh.. feisty.. such a pretty face but when you open that mouth.." she taunts me, sitting back down.

I roll my eyes and run my hands down my clothes, readjusting my seating position once more. In times like these, I regret not showing enough appreciation to clean, comfy beds.

Her tone of speech is of a careless unconcerned person. It's as if she's comfortable in here or... used to it, I'd say. Why is she so relaxed? Does she not smell that stench? Or saw that tiny mouse that just ran across the doorway?

"Why are you in here?" I ask as I get curious and she chuckles. What's funny?

"Me?.. I was just trying to hustle a little blow this time." She shrugs. This time?

"What the hell is a blow?" My nose scrunches up, I can tell it's nothing good.

She laughs. "You don't know what blow is? That white stuff... drugs?"

I scoff. "I should've known." I say rolling my eyes, ending the conversation.

"What? Don't judge me. You've never done a little blow? You've never gotten high? Especially with a man you just met?" She teases.

"No!" I squeal in disgust.

"Not even a blunt?"

"No. And what the hell did you mean by "this time"? Were you arrested before?" Why do I want to know this shit?

"Yeah." She sounds not bothered one bit.

"For what?!"

"Stuff." She shrugs.

"It's almost as if you like being in here. Why don't you seem bothered?" I press.

She sighs, "I get to sleep in a bed." She admits after studying my exterior and accepting that I'm not going to stop until she gives me answers.

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