36 - Pretty Mixed Girl

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Song: Nicki Minaj - Dominoes
~these girl fall like dominoes~


"So how was it? Did you like it?" I ask excitedly, hopefully clasping my hands.
I'm in the changing room with Chloe as she's changing back into her own clothes.

"It was so cool! I've never done anything like that before." She beams and it pleases my heart so much to see the joy and excitement in her eyes.

"But you really looked like a natural out there, I couldn't believe it!"

She stops what she's doing to take a disbelieving breath. She glances up at me, a glint in her eyes and a smile of somewhat realization."This means my pictures are going to be in a magazine. You told me that Austin owns a very successful magazine! Do you know what this means? I could be famous. Because of you!"

"You could be famous because of you... and Andrew."

"But if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even know an Andrew!"

I smile, simply shaking my head at seeing her this happy. "Hey, finish up here. Gina is going to show me where the making of the clothes will take place. After that, we're all gonna eat pizza and chill here."


"Do you use any other words?"


"Cool." I say and we both grin.

I head over to where Austin and Andrew are.

"She did well." Austin says at my arrival. The approval clear in his voice.

"She was awesome." I tell him.

"We can leave now."

"But I wanted to stay back a little."

"Ok, I'll send a car for you. I'm going home, I'm tired."

"Okay baby." I give him a small kiss.

"Hi Yas! I saw you in the magazines before! You're so pretty." One of the models gapes at me.

She's mixed and has bouncy, curly hair. She's really gorgeous. "And you are so gorgeous." I smile as she tilts her head, trying to hide her blush.

"Where's Chloe?"

"Uh, she's about to come out of the dressing room any minute now." I inform her and she nods in agreement.

I head back over to where the girls are.
We walk back in the dressing room where everyone is. The mixed model goes to talk to Chloe as I settle myself comfortably on a seat next to Gina.

"Hey, you were gonna show me where production will take place?" I ask my best friend.

"Yeah!" She quickly jumps from her chair, "Follow me." She takes me downstairs and then another right turn. She opens a door revealing an extremely huge, empty space.

"I'm so proud of you, G." I tell her and she hugs me in response.

"This is all happening because of you."

"Why does everyone keep giving me credit for all their success?" I shrug.

"It was you who got me in that bottle water ad and then came those other bookings and opportunities. And it's your man who's giving me an opportunity to be in a magazine. And it's that money that I'll make from the magazine that is going to launch my business."

"Okay okay. But I only played a small part. It's your hard work that is making everything else happen!" I try to let my point sinks into her head by raising my voice harmlessly.

"Yeah." She takes another look around, pushing her shoulders upwards.

"Babe? The pizzas are here." Jay leans in from the door.

"Okay. We'll eat in here." She nods at him and he turns away.

"So you two.. this just might work out huh.." I trail off.

"Uuuhh, I guess so." The reluctance clear in her tone.

"It's time you stop acting so tough, you can't hide it anymore. I see the way you light up when he comes around. You love him."

"Okaaayyy, we'll talk about this another time!" She tries to avoid the subject. Typical Gina.

"G, I'm your best friend."

She lets out a sigh. "He's caring. He's patient. He gets me. I think I do love him." Her last words comes out very low but loud enough for me to hear.

I could cry by the look in her eyes. I haven't heard her say something like that or seen this look on her since.. forever. "Awwwwwwww!" I coo.

"Okay, it's eating time!" She claps her palms together, I smile and nod.

Jay leaves shortly after his first slice, the rest of us girls are seated on the floor of the big empty space. Chatting, laughing and stuffing our faces all at the same. It's about 4 in the afternoon now. I text Austin to send the driver, but he says he's coming to get us instead. Everyone starts to get themselves ready to leave now. Austin just arrived outside and Chloe and I are prepare to head down to meet him.

"Here, this is my number. Hit me up." The mixed girl says to Chloe. Chloe saves her number in her phone.

"Oh, Yas. Jay moved here to L.A about a week ago. I've been staying with him. I've been so busy searching for an apartment and sorting out this building, I forgot to tell you. I also found a place too, it's about 15 minutes away from your house. Jay lives right beside me, he actually told me about it." Gina tells me.

"That's great! Now I can come visit you!"

"Yep." She pops the 'p'.

"Well, my billionaire boyfriend is here, so I'm gonna go now."

"Okaaayyy big time!" She offers me her iconic bone-breaking hug before leaving.

We get home and Chloe and I waste no time, we head straight to the kitchen for dinner. "So.." I trail off, "you made a friend?"

"Who, Leah?"

"That's her name? The pretty mixed girl?"

"Yeah. Shortening for Aaleah. She's cool."

"Okay. So she's a full time model?"

"Yea. We're both 18 next year and we both wanna go to college next year."

"Wow. You didn't tell me you wanna go to college next year. That's great baby bear. I'm proud of you."


This was the last edited chapter, just letting you all know!

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