19 - Errand

858 52 4

Song: Nicki Minaj - Right Thru Me
~how do you do that shit~

So I'm proud to say that I'm #467 in sex scenes out of 7.44k stories and #971 in passion out if 25.5k stories! This book is my first book on the starting of my Wattpad journey with zero followers, also my first time officially writing a book. I'm proud of myself and thanks to all you day one readers, you are truly loved! Welcome new readers, I have so much in store for all of you!


My eyes flutter open, and the first thing the new day welcomes me with is a splitting headache. I desperately feel the need for water or juice. Remembering that I'm at Austin's house, I quickly turn around in search of him hopeful he won't be missing this time. My eyes finally finding him, he whisper the words.. "It's a beautiful thing."

I rub my half open eyes. "W-what?"

He cups my cheek tenderly as I continue to stare at him for whatever reason, caressing it with his thumb. "It's not every day you get to wake up and the first person you see is your soulmate. How did I ever get so lucky?" He teases and I wonder if there's any seriousness applied to his words.

I physically feel my features settles warmly, resting my palm over his on my cheek. "It's a beautiful thing indeed." My tone is soft as I wander off into his beautifully rare ocean blue eyes, placing my forehead against his.

I take a deep breath and sigh, fisting the covers against my chest. "Austin, I want you to know that I.. you're like a mirror, every time I look at you, I see a version of myself, you've literally became apart of me." I can feel the layer of glossiness over my eyes getting thicker as I once again try to make sense of what we have and what we feel for each other. Its not love, its more.

"And I need you to trust me. When I say I got you and I will never hurt you, I need you to believe me. If I betray you, then I betray God, I would never destroy something that I asked him for. Yas, I would never in a million years intentionally  do anything to jeopardize what we share."

"I just, you know.. I want you to stay." my voice is lower but he can hear me by our close proximity.

He wipes a tear away I didn't know was there.. "I'm with you and you alone.. for life."

I tilt my head down and smile before he pulls me into his warm embrace, interlocking my fingers between his. I feel so safe with him in every way, I could just cry.

I groan once more in response to my headache, I forgot for a moment that it was even there.

"Headache, huh?" He asks.


"I know, that's why I had Cassie prepare breakfast with warm tea for you. Aspirin is beside the bed side lamp as well."

"You're too good to me." I coo, pressing a kiss to the side of his mouth.

Reaching over to the bed side lamp for the aspirin, he pulls me back. "What are you doing?"

"Uhm, gonna take a pill?"

"Did I just say breakfast is downstairs? You gotta eat something first."

I roll my eyes then looking under the sheets realizing I'm not wearing anything. "Where's my clothes?" I ask.

"In the pool."

"Why the fu.. ugh!" Smacking my forehead remembering the craziness from last night. "Wait, but why are they still in the pool?"

"I haven't gone outside all morning. So that means they must still be there." He tells me as if I'm stupid.

"But what if the guards or the maids see them? Our under wears are in there too, remember?"

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