15 - Good Publicity

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Song: Apesh*t - The Carters
~you ever seen a crowd going ape shit~


"I never really thought of where your weak spots were.." Austin trails off and I like his playful side. It suits him well, taking a break from his guarded personality every once in a while.

"Get away from me." I deadpan.

"Is it your sides?" He starts to tickle my sides immediately, but I don't even flinch. I laugh at his obvious disappointment.

"Is it your neck?" He reaches forward again and starts tickling my neck. Again, I don't flinch.

"I don't have any weak spots!" I say laughing at him.

"You might not have weak spots, but you have sensitive spots on you though, and luckily I know exactly where to find those." He licks his lips as he leans in to kiss me, so hard to resist, but I have to.

"Babe, no." My tone soft as a cotton, no sign of rejection.

"I like feeling on you, you're just so.."

My head drops slowly, freeing up access to kiss all over my chest and caressing my legs. He lifts my right leg, trailing kisses straight down to my toes.

His finger glazes over the bottom of my foot, I squeal and curl up quickly.

"So that's your weak spot! Your foot bottoms?" he beams.

"No!" I lie.

"That's super cute!"

"Would you stop? We have a very important day ahead of us, we have to start getting ready in like 5 minutes."

"5 minutes is all I need." He says lasciviously, sending me a mischievous yet so sexy smirk, pulling me under him and fitting his body between me. I giggle before the words escape my lips.. "I still get butterflies when you touch me this way." He kisses me tenderly as a response. "But seriously babe, we're gonna be late." I continue.

"I'm the boss, I'll be late if I want to." He mumbles in between kisses.

"Yes but.."

He cuts off my speech, placing his index finger over my lips to shut me up.

"You talk a lot for a girl with such a small mouth." He takes my hands in his and places them over my head, pinning me down. By the time I could react, I can sense the dampness around my core and Austin and I are making sweet, passionate, tender love.

Each time we make love, I want him more and more. It's like we became addicted to each other in every way possible, enough isn't even enough.

We lay here on our backs beside each other after a while before he finally turns on his side facing me, gently cupping my cheek in his soft palm. "I can't get used to this." He breathes as he searches my face, obviously in deep thought. What is he thinking? His ocean blue eyes are so mysterious, only him knows what lies behind them.

"To what?"

"You, in the mornings. Not just you, but all of you. No makeup, no hair do, nothing applied to your skin. Just... all of you. What was life before you? I want to wake up to you every day." His index finger slowly makes circles against my cheek, deep in his own admiration.

A heat rushes through me at his words, always melting me inside. Turning to face him, I grasp one of his hands. "Do you really mean that?"

"Talk means nothing, I'll show you. You're special, Yas.. my soulmate."

"Yeah." Is all I could manage to say and I know he could tell that the simple word holds more weight than it was intended to.

"Now shall we?"

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