47 - Best Issue

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Song: Beyoncé - Formation
~I grind till I own it~

3 updates in one day! Whew.


2 weeks later..

"Did you kill her?" Emily asks cautiously.

"No." Chloe mumbles.

"How do you fe.."

"I feel great." She cuts her off with an emotionless expression.

"I gave her a choice. She could stay in the fire and die on her own, or she could escape and become homeless like I was. We went in the car, drove a small distance from the house, she didn't come out. She stayed in there. We watched until it exploded. Esther and John are exactly where they belong. Their souls will live on happily together only in hell. They were meant for each other." Chloe gets up and leaves the kitchen.

"Will she be okay? Could she get arrested for burning the house down? Or possibly the murder of her mother?" I ask Austin.

"Chloe is smarter than you think. She had a good reason for giving you strict instructions to not touch anything. She knows exactly why she wore gloves. She might've not planned or expected any of that to happen but she definitely went prepared. The house burnt to the ground, so there's no evidence or finger prints, especially for the fact that Chloe wore gloves. Nobody is likely to be suspected for the fire because Esther was an unstable drunk and smoker too. And as you said, she was even smoking right before the fire. This is weak, and there's absolutely nothing to worry about. I already looked into everything." Austin explains, "and as for the gasoline, she was taking drugs at the time of your arrival, obviously high so they'll just assume it's a suicude or something and if not, that's a neighbourhood that nobody takes seriously and police really don't care in real life." Austin shrugs.

Emily and I nod in agreement then she leaves the kitchen.

"But how are you though?" He asks as he rubs my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I say with a smile at him assuringly; I know he worries that my mental health can affect the baby in some way.

"Where is the baby momma?" Gina's chirpy voice excitedly enters the room.

She gives me a hug from above, as I am still seated.

"Why couldn't you come the other day when I called you?" She asks grabbing an apple.

"Something... came up." I say with a smile.

"Oh, okay. But anyway, Congratulations!" She shouts throwing her hands in the air with the apple.

"Thank you." I grin.

"Question, when are you going to make your pregnancy public? I know you value your privacy, but they will know either way." She shrugs.

"Hmm, I guess you're right."

"I have an idea." Austin chimes in, we both glance over at him.

"Let's make it a new issue. For my magazine. We could do it when you're about... 8 months pregnant. It's now the last day of January so the issue will launch in about late June, or early July because it'll be summer which is the best time to do it."

"It sounds like a fucking awesome idea. You'll do like a beautiful photo shoot showing your big bump." Gina's grin almost touching her eyes.

"And that big rock on her finger too." Austin adds with a smirk.

"Exactly!" Gina squeals.

"It sounds cool and all but I wouldn't want anyone to think that I'm using my baby for money or attention." I tell them.

"Yas, you're already extremely popular. You get attention for even the lipgloss you wear! How long have you been dreaming about having a baby and getting married? It is all of us dream! It's a blessing, not a promotion. I don't see what's so wrong in sharing your beautiful journey with your supporters. And if you look at it that way, they have a right to know too. It'll be the best issue ever. Come on, you're future Mrs. Blake, carrying little baby Blake inside there. Be proud of it! Have a little fun with it. Give the people what they want!" She says and we all laugh, Austin claps at her speech.

"It does sounds exciting. Well, why the hell not?" I throw my hands up in surrender.

"That's what I'm talking about!" She  gives Austin a high five, both of them sharing a fit of laughter.


This is going to be the best magazine issue out of them all!
Remember to vote!

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