11 - Unexpected Visits

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Snap out of all the soft bitch shit and reclaim who you are. Remember your purpose, your power.. I tell myself as I set the last few straps of my lingerie in place for this exoticness that I'm about to experience. As I stare at my reflection, it fills me with nostalgia of the first night I was supposed to meet Austin. I'm taking back my fierceness and placing a hold over my heart.

Back in business.

Austin walk in the room right on time and almost spills his coffee when his eyes find me. I simply brush my already brushed hair because I know for some reason he finds it sexy when I do that.

"What.." he trails off and I immediately pace towards him, taking the coffee and his briefcase from him, setting them aside.

He's supposed to be off to work as we've been back from Dubai about a week now from our business vacation. I still have a week left before school starts again and I'm just always bored at home so Austin suggested I spent my free week at his house.

I tug on his tie, pulling him down so his lips can meet mine. As my lips savor his, he pulls away, "babe, what's this? I have to work."

"I know." I pull on his tie again for another kiss while I rub on him down below to make him more vulnerable to my desires.

As his hands reluctantly give in and rake around my waist, I shove his hands from around me swiftly, pushing him on the love seat. I watch as he admires what I'm wearing. "You look.. nice." He tells me and I smirk, responding by straddling him.

I ignore his innocent protests about being late and continue to assault him. I cup the back of his head, pulling forwards and shoving his face in my neck and chest. He couldn't help but to lick and suck on my neck and boobs that are now exposed. He moans as his hands grips my skin in, pulling sharp breaths through his teeth, boosting my ego of how good I make him feel and how irresistible I am, he can't say no.

Before you know it, we're both fully aroused and ready. I aggressively unbuckle his belt and undoing his pants, I bite my lips every time I see his size. Straddling him again, there isn't much to remove from my body, the crotch area is open, giving him full access.

I roll my hips back and forth as I get it inside. I grind and ride on him as I enjoy his breathy moans and him enjoying mine. My moves get faster and harder, gripping on to the back of his jacket that's not smooth anymore. I shudder when my climax reaches and he couldn't hold on for much longer either, especially feeling the warm, glossy sensation of my secretions running down him.

I let him sit there in his mess as I get something to clean him off. I return with both the cloth and a small book with a pen and as soon as I'm done cleaning him up, I hand him the book and pen.

"A cheque book?" He raises a brow smugly.

"Twenty thousand." I tell him as I disappear in the bathroom to grab a robe.

When I return wrapped in the robe, he's still sitting there with an amused look. "Why?" He asks after writing the cheque.

I lower myself in front of him, my face only an inch away from his, "I had to remind you of who we are and what the fuck we do." I whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, recoiling when he starts to kiss me back. "Stop fucking playing with me. Have a good day at work though." With nothing more than a shake of his head, he gathers his cold coffee and and briefcase and leaves.

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