vr set x sope

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little: hoseok
caregiver: yoongi
age range: 3-5

"yoongi, yoongo, bongo!" hoseok yelled through the quiet dorm

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"yoongi, yoongo, bongo!" hoseok yelled through the quiet dorm. he groaned and opened every door seeing that the rest of the members where gone, the rooms were untouched and tidy.

he huffed "yoongi! are you in here?!" he screamed, barging in the boy's room. the older boy took of his headphones and looked over his shoulder seeing hoseok in the door way. "what do you want?" he asked.

"yoongi! i haven't seen you in months, years, decades!" hoseok exaggerated and flopped onto the boy's bed. "decade my ass, i was eating lunch with you" he laughed and turned his office chair to where he could see hoseok laying on his bed.

"psh, well i'm bored and no one else is here so i'm bothering you" he smiled and played with the pillows that were on yoongi's bed. "wow, i feel so loved" he snickered and went back to his laptop. hoseok frowned and threw a pillow to the boy's head. "what the hell? do you need anything?" yoongi asked

"your attention! give it to me i'm bored!" he whined. "okay, okay. do you want to play...uhum how about— oh! the set vr set we have? wanna play that?" he offered. hoseok hummed and nodded.

what else were they supposed to do? sit and talk? that's boring

yoongi went to go get the set while hoseok went to jungkook's room who had the game.

"here it is.." yoongi huffed and connected it to the tv just waiting for hoseok to get the game.

he came back with one game in his hand. "jungkook only has this scary one" he pouted. that's the thing about him and jungkook they had different tastes in games. the vr was fairly new so they only had one game and that game was one that jungkook picked out. they haven't been able to play it often since they had busy schedule, but now that they were on break they had plenty of time.

"put it on and tell me if you see anything" yoongi instructed. "fuck" the younger whispered, he didn't like this game already. it was the starting page and it was full of realistic looking zombies with 'play' squared in the middle. "wait can you see it on the tv?" he asked when yoongi gave him the two controles. "yeah i can see what you're doing"

with that the younger boy gulped and pressed play. he read the instructions, making sure he read everything. from that he read he had to find certain things that are clues that lead up to other things- but there was going to be jump scares stopping him.

"wait! wait! what do i have to get?" he asked.
yoongi hummed and looked at the tv seeing the small check list on the top right corner. "scissors" yoongi simply said. hoseok looked around trying to find anything "oh, it opens! hoseok try opening one!" yoongi said, pointing at one of the chest in the game even though hoseok couldn't see what he was pointing at.

"oh yes! thank you" he cheered. yoongi gasped seeing the two zombies coming up to him from behind "watch out, look-" "wait i know what i'm— shit. what is that!" he screeched. 

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