pacifier package x sope

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little: hoseok
caregiver: yoongi
age range: 2-5

yoongi huffed when he heard a loud knock on the door

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yoongi huffed when he heard a loud knock on the door. namjoon looked over at the eldest rapper who was sitting down on the couch. "are you going to open the door?" the leader questioned.

the boy made his way to the door to find a package at the door step. he looked outside before picking up the box and reading who it was for.

"hoseok-ah! you got a package!" yoongi yelled loud enough that hoseok could hear from his room.


hoseok closed his laptop and ran to the living room where yoongi was holding the tiny box in his hands. "oh. i didn't know it would arrive so soon. how nice. thanks!" he smiled, taking it out of yoongi's hand and into his.

yoongi cocked his head. he seemed too excited for a package. what could it be? "what is it? you seem excited about it.." he canvassed while he sat down on the couch with namjoon.

the boy with the package gulped. how embarrassing. the members didn't know about his little space so he wouldn't go to the store to buy his items because it was pretty obvious, they could see it through the bag. so instead he bought things online - it was his first purchase and it was already going downhill.

"hoseok..? you there?" yoongi hummed.

the second youngest from the rapper line stopped staring into space and smiled at them both. "yeah. i bought this um - cologne, yeah. i was waiting for it because it had good reviews so.. i'll go take a shower and then use it," with those words falling out his mouth he ran to his room and closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it.

as he opened the package his smile only grew larger. in all honesty he wasn't expecting his package to come so fast, it said it would take till friday yet today was tuesday and he ordered it on sunday.

although he was lying to his hyung. it wasn't cologne, it was a pacifier! his very first one and he was very happy about it. "i picked a nice one but i'll wait till everyone's asleep," he whispered to himself and placed the pacifier back in the box and placed it underneath his blankets that laid on the bed.

he quickly picked out his clothing and exited his room and walked into the hallways bathroom.

∆ ∇ ∆

"i wanna know what's in the box," yoongi groaned, letting out his frustration onto namjoon who was reading a book.

the leader hummed and read the last sentence before closing the thick book. "he said it was cologne.." he simply responded. what else could it be? that's what hoseok said.

the rapper tsked and changed the channel to something else that was more interesting. "but who gets that happy over cologne? i have a feeling that he's lying about it. i don't have a feeling, i know. i'm his best friend and i feel like i should know what's in that box, joon" he explained to namjoon.

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