tag! x taejin

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little: taehyung
caregiver: seokjin
age range: 3-6
requested by: @itboyjeons

"taehyungie, make sure to eat your carrots too," jin informed as he placed his chopsticks down

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"taehyungie, make sure to eat your carrots too," jin informed as he placed his chopsticks down. he was already finished with his meal, he was a fast eater.

unlike the little who seemed to be just a little upset. he loved the dishes that his hyung made don't get him wrong, he appreciated them and thanked him after the meal but he didn't like carrots.

he squirmed in his seat and poked at the carrots. "but taetae dun' like the carrots.." he mumbled, resting his head on his palm. jin could hear that though. he wasn't going to get mad at him though.

"but that's the only veggie you're willing to eat, honey. you want to grow bigger and stronger, don't you?" jin tried as he got up and placed his empty dishes in the sink so he could wash them later.

taehyung did. he wanted to be big and strong. but we're carrots really going to help him? it didn't seem like it. "i do, daddy! but it's so icky! taetae eat everythin' buh carrots, pretty please?" he begged.

jin sighed. "let's make a deal. if you eat at least one carrot we can play whatever game you want," he tried one last time. it was just one carrot, all he was asking for.

the younger one fixed his eyes on jin. "mm.. otay. only cause wanna pway wit daddy!" he chirped and picked up the boil baby carrot up to his lips and looked at it with a strange look before popping it into his mouth, closing his eyes and chewing quickly.

he let out a small 'eww' but swallowed it anyway, not wanting to make jin feel bad for not eating his food. "there we go, taehyungie! good job! such a good boy!" the eldest praised and pinched his cheeks to show him he appreciated him trying the carrot.

"mhm! thank 'ou, hyungie. now we play? wanna play with daddy!" he followed jin to the kitchen.

taehyung was so excited! he just wanted to play! usually their play time was limited from how tired they were from their schedules or they would have to go back to work which always made tae a bit upset.

jin hummed as he ran his fingers through his hair after placing taehyung's dish in the sink. "just give me a couple minutes, sweetheart. would you like to help daddy out? when i wash the dishes, you rinse them off and place them on the rack. how does that sound? it'll be lots faster!" he persuaded. he wasn't being dishonest though, it would go much brisk with the younger ones' help.

"w-wanna help daddy! yes!" he beamed and stood next to seokjin in front of the kitchen sink.

so there they were, laughing and chatting from time to time as jin washed a dish and then handed it to tae to wash the soap off. they did that for about four plates, three bowls, and five cups. it was teamwork though!

it lasted around fifteen minutes for them to clean, not a bad time but taehyung's sleeves kept coming down so he kept having to dry his hands and pull them up again. who likes wet sleeves? not taehyung!

"thank you, baby. you're help was very much appreciated! now let's change your top before we play," jin dried his hands on this dry rag that was being held by the stove handle.

taehyung was lifted off his feet and into jin's arms, squealing at the sudden lift making them both laugh. "where is your pacifier, prince?" his caregiver questioned. he hasn't seen it since the morning. it was quite strange, tae usually always had it in his mouth or either it was being held by his pacifier clip that he didn't have on either.

the you get one thought for a bit. where did he last leave it? oh yeah! "in daddy's room! cause it was r-rainin' last night! came w-with daddy buh forgot paci in daddy's bed.." he pouted as he rubbed his eye.

"alright, we can get it after we play! now.. what do you want to wear?" he questioned, setting taehyung back on his feet so he could look at his closet. the little looked back at jin with a grin on his face.

that gave was one that seokjin knew well, it meant no good. "want hyungie's hoodie!"

there it was.

"the one i'm wearing right now?" he pinched the soft grey fabric. taehyung nodded. he loved his hyung's clothes - maybe even more than his own clothes.

it's just that jin's clothes were nice and big on him and it smelt like his cologne. it was comforting.

his caregiver couldn't say no to his baby, so he took off his hoodie revealing his grey shirt under the hoodie. he handed over the top taehyung wanted the most. "thank you, thank 'ou, thank 'ou, hyungie!" his signature boxy smile was shown as he hugged the hoodie close before slipping it on with his caregiver's help.

"ready to play? what game-"

"tag!" taehyung giggled and ran out the room before the eldest could even wrap his head around his own thoughts or even finish his sentence.

both were chased around the house, screaming and screeching coming from taehyung when jin was close to him but to be honest it was hilarious to his caregiver, his tummy was hurting from laughing so much.

that was until a couple minutes later when their moods changed completely. taehyung took this harsh turn, fell, causing him to end up slamming his leg on the corner of a glass table that was in the entrance of the living room.

"oww. h-hyungie!" he whimpered, his leg tucked into his chest and he tried not to cry.

taehyung was sensitive; that's the thing so it wasn't a surprise to seokjin when tears began to spill out. though that table hurt like shit, jin himself had hit himself a couple times and it was a pain to say the least.

"my poor baby," his caregiver sighed as he kneeled down next to the boy, letting him wipe his tears on his shirt, as he rubbed small circles on his back softly. "mm i-it h-huwts.." he whimpered, pressing his face against his chest.

jin rocked him in his arms for a bit till he brought up the fact that they should put an ice pack so the 'bruise wouldn't form.' - it would of course but he didn't want taehyung to worry.


so there they were, the two of them in bed now.

jin was pressing an ice pack against his leg while tae at some ice cream, sharing it with his caregiver whenever he asked for a bite. "does it feel a little better tae?" he questioned as he turned on the television as background sound.

taehyung moves his leg, only wincing just a bit. it hurt less than a couple hours ago so he would say it does.

"mhm! daddy da best! always makes taetae so so happy!"


sorry it's so short, it's getting late and i'm getting tired 😩 i'm almost done with my request

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sorry it's so short, it's getting late and i'm getting tired 😩 i'm almost done with my request. that's it for tonight, goodnight! <33

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