just you x taekook

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little: taehyung
caregiver: jungkook
age range: 4-5
requested by: cutie_taeggukiss

little: taehyungcaregiver: jungkook age range: 4-5 requested by: cutie_taeggukiss

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!angst !cheating

jungkook sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think of another excuse to leave and not come over till night.

it was currently the morning, 6:27am to be exact.

jungkook was sitting on the edge of the bed as he tapped his foot on the wooden floor. he kept looking back to make sure taehyung was still asleep. he let out a groan and left the room, quietly closing the door.

he left a cold, simple note on the coffee table, not giving a kiss goodbye or anything. he just hoped he didn't have to come back to him.

two hours have passed and taehyung moved to the right side, sleepily where he thought jungkook was but the bed was empty. cold.

he all by himself.

he shot up in bed, wide awake and sat up in bed and looked around. he didn't remember if jungkook ever told him about going to work or anything, today was a saturday meaning he had no work.

taehyung hummed and got out the soft covers and reached out to the small counter that his phone was placed. he reached over and saw no messages from his partner. the boy pursed his lips and got out of bed, hoping the younger left a note for him, at least something to ease his worry away. he ran to the living room seeing a small note on the coffee table.

'in all honesty, i'm tired of you, really. i need a break. i just don't want to be home with you today. i went to work. i'll be back soon i guess' -jk

it was a rushed, sloppy note with no thought in it at all. no i love you either which he was numb to it already, it's been a while since he heard those words come out of the younger's mouth, he doesn't even remember the last time he say those three words. he tried his hardest to make the boy say it back, even if he didn't mean it.

was it really that hard to say 'i love you?'

just reading the first sentence made his heart shattered into pieces. was he really that worthless to jungkook? all the presents and work he put into the relationship just to get it back as it was when they first met each other, was it worth it?

all these thoughts circled around taehyung's mind as laid down on the couch, meaningless paper crushed in his hold. his eyes were brimming with tears, his cheeks getting flushed from getting emotional.

the thing is that, taehyung's mad, mad at himself that he's crying over someone who doesn't even care about him, someone who doesn't even want to be near him.

taehyung knows.

jungkook knows.

it's not the same.

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