baby bear x vmin

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little: taehyung
caregiver: jimin
age range: 1-3
requested by: @ThePrincessNeptune

"taehyungie, baby! can you come here, please?" jimin shouted loud enough for taehyung to hear since he was in the kitchen and taehyung was in the living room

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"taehyungie, baby! can you come here, please?" jimin shouted loud enough for taehyung to hear since he was in the kitchen and taehyung was in the living room.

the younger instantly got up from floor and dashed to kitchen seeing jimin cut fruit into small shapes and sizes. "yes?" taehyung asked and stood right next to his caregiver that asked for him.

"could you get a bowl for your fruit, bub? and then get anything out the fridge that you want as your topping, if you want any" jimin explained and the littles eyes widen at the second sentence. "anythin'?!" he chirped and looked at the boy with puppy eyes. "yeah, but please do me a favor and get the chocolate syrup for me" jimin laughed. taehyung nodded and ran to the refrigerator getting the chocolate syrup for jimin and whipped cream for himself.

"here you go daddy!" he beamed, setting both of the bottles down, next to where jimin was not placing the fruit in the bowls.                                                 
taehyung hummed and waited for him bowl. "there you go" jimin smiled as he ruffled the younger's hair. "thank you, hyungie" the little grinned and skipped his way to the living room where jimin was going to meet him there to watch a movie.

he flopped on the couch, setting the bowl on the coffee table, picking up the controller to find a movie.

"which movie and you going to pick, hun?" jimin asked as he strolled his way to the living room and sat next to the thinking boy who was choosing a movie. "'m not sure.." he puckered him lips as he kept scrolling through the movie options.

"can't pick" he pouted and handed the controller to his caregiver so he can pick something to watch. "i'm not sure what you want me to pick. funny, sad, scary?" jimin hummed as he looked through the choices that he had.

taehyung covered his eyes and shook his head, "no, no! not saddie makes taetae cwy and no scary gonna cwy too" he pouted and jimin laughed at the outcome. usually taehyung doesn't really like expressing his feeling, but in little space he showed every emotion.

"it's okay. i wont play those, how about um-" the older was about to say something till taehyung gasped and frantically patted jimin shoulder.

"oh! paddington! please, please! the bear! 's cute!" he gleamed. jimin giggled and clicked on the movie, taehyung cheering when it started.

even though it seemed like a nice movie, he didn't know that the poor bears house got ruined! how could you put a cute bear as the movie wallpaper and then make his home get ruined as an outcome? that's not fun.

"daddy! his home got ruined, poor baby bear" he pouted. jimin smiled at the name pet name he called the bear, that was taehyung favorite named to be called. "it's okay, taehyungie, i'm sure he'll get help" his caregiver reassured.

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