animal crossing x taekook

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little: jungkook
caregiver: taehyung
age range: 3-5
requested by: @happyndsad123

"hey hyung, can you please take care of jungkook for a while—" taehyung spoke with the person on the other line, waiting for their response

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"hey hyung, can you please take care of jungkook for a while—" taehyung spoke with the person on the other line, waiting for their response.

namjoon sighed, taehyung being able to hear. namjoon was terrible at taking care of jungkook. the younger was something else in little space, don't get him wrong, namjoon loved him but! jungkook would get hyper in so many ways, jumping, running and yelling all around the house like a bunny.

"taehyung, you know that j—" he was stopped by taehyung almost pleading to him. "please hyung, i have to go to work, he's not even that bad, really. plus, he's feeling a bit under the weather today, i would stay home but i can't, please, namjoon-ah" he begged.

namjoon frowned and looked around his house before agreeing. "fine, alright. i'll be there in ten." with both of them hanging up, taehyung satisfied with the males answer.

"how are you feeling, bun?" taehyung sighed as he went back upstairs and into jungkook's room where he was laying. the older boy's voice was deep, making jungkook seek comfort. he crawled to him, hiding his face in the crook of his caregiver's neck. "no good, dada," he whimpered.

taehyung huffed and shifted himself to get all of them comfortable. "poor bunny. i wish i could stay here with you but i have to go to work, but joonie-hyung will be here with you. you'll be a good boy for him while i'm gone, won't you?" his caregiver asked as he petted the younger's soft hair.

a smile crept on the tired one's face and nodded, he was always a good boy as he thought. "good. he'll try to take care of you, but if you still feel icky when i come back i'll take you to the doctor," taehyung patted jungkook's back signaling him that he was going to get up now. the key word was try. namjoon was fairly decent at taking care of jungkook but not as well as taehyung.

jungkook was very different yet maybe that's what made taehyung and jungkook click. they seemed perfect for each other. while jungkook was more on the hyper side, wanting to go places everyday, taehyung was more on the timid side but always went places with jungkook when he wanted.

taehyung heard a knock on the door, scaring the younger one. "you're fine, koo, i bet it's just joonie, come on," his caregiver smiled and opened his loving arms so he could carry jungkook to the living room to see namjoon.

the younger crawled to him, taehyung cooing as he held the sick boy tight in his arms. "hi, namjoon-ah. i have a couple things to tell you before i leave, come in," he huffed, closing the door with his hip as he was busy carrying jungkook.

namjoon followed him to the kitchen where taehyung explained everything. "so as i said jungkook is a bit sick so the syringe there is his medicine that you give him at... what time is it?"

"two, thirty three.." namjoon said as he pushed his phone back in his pocket after he checked the time. "ah, fuck. okay give that to him around- four. i also made some seolleongtang. if he's hungry, you can have some too if you want... i think that's about he'll tell you if he wants something, okay?" taehyung hummed as he looked around, seeing if he forgot something. he was getting a bit anxious, already running a bit late and worried about leaving jungkook home with namjoon.

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