punishment x jikook

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caregiver: jimin
little: jungkook
age range: 4-6
requested by: @PartyPeople0405

caregiver: jiminlittle: jungkookage range: 4-6requested by: @PartyPeople0405

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jimin looked around the kitchen trying to find something for the both, jungkook and him could eat. sadly, there wasn't much too much.

he ran into the younger boy's room, flopping on his bed, startling jungkook. the little was currently playing on the rug, with his stuffies while watching pororo."what you doin'?" jungkook asked, his doe eyes looking up at him.

"we have to go to the store, so get ready okay?" jimin smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. jungkook whined and pouted, he didn't want to go. he was happy at home. he was playing with his toys, watching cartoons, what else could he ask for? "get a toy?" he asked. "no, you have plenty here, bubs. maybe another day, right now we're just getting food" he said.

jungkook frowned and laid in the floor. instead of whining and throwing a fit he decided not to, so he got ready as soon as jimin left the room. he put his stuffed bunny in his arms and went over to his closet asking the bunny what he should where.

"what do i wear?" he thought, tapping his chin. he ended up picking out a pastel blue hoodie that was a bit too big since it made it all the way to his knuckles and, of course some jeans. he got out the room and went over to the living room where jimin was waiting on the couch. "'m ready!" he chirped, bouncing on his tippie toes. jimin smiled and pinched the boy's cheeks "look at your hair, it's so long! you don't want to cut it?" he asked as he ran his fingers through the boy's curly hair. "nu uh! like it" he smiled. his hair was getting quite long, maybe about to his ears, but it's okay, jungkook liked it liked that!

his caregiver grabbed his keys and grabbed the boy's hand taking him to the car.

half way through the car ride jungkook realized he didn't bring his stuffed bunny. "wait go back! go back!" he yelled. jimin looked at the rear view mirror seeing jungkook in distress. "why?" he asked. "forgot bunny! needa go back daddy!" he begged. jimin sighed and shook his head in no. "no baby, i'm sorry. we're almost to the store, we'll be home soon, okay?" jungkook pouted and kicked jimin's seat.

"jungkook" he warned.

the younger pouted and furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms.

the rest of the car ride was filled with small chats and whines till they pulled into the parking lot. jimin unbuckled himself, turning to the back seat "i'm going to need you to be by my side all the time, okay darling? i don't want you getting lost" he explained. jungkook listened and nodded.

he got out the car along with jimin and took him by the hand.

jungkook stayed by jimin's side for while. his caregiver picked out fruit, vegetables, snacks anything really. of course the boy was going to get bored of waiting on him so he tugged on the his caregiver's arm, "hold on, just a few other things" he told him.

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