moon and stars x namkook

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little: jungkook
caregiver: namjoon
age range: 2-3

sunlight beams into their room, seeping through the linen curtains, illuminating the pale grey walls and dancing across the rumpled white sheets

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sunlight beams into their room, seeping through the linen curtains, illuminating the pale grey walls and dancing across the rumpled white sheets.

jungkook wearily blinks, and tries to pry his eyes open. he lets out a soft groan. it's all lovely for a minute or two, just as he lies there and gazes at the gentle sunlight streaming into their room.

before he realizes that he's absolutely freezing cold, that is.

he is wearing one of namjoon's hoodies, but that's beside the point, because as he looks to his side and doesn't see namjoon.

"joonie..?" the boy pouted, looking under the duvets. jungkook hummed and scanned the room.

"where you hidin', joonie?" the brunette thought out loud and got out the sheets, waddling over to the closet seeing if he was in there and then the restroom and there was still no sight of him.

the boy plopped on the edge of the bed, fiddling with the end of the hoodie. he hated being home alone since he always felt the need to have someone right by him but either way jungkook just kept silent because he didn't want namjoon to worry about him more than  already.

he reached over to his nightstand to find three unread messages from namjoon.

joonie bug! 🥰🦀
good morning, jungkookie!
i bet you noticed i wasn't there
when you woke up but i got called
in for work early in the morning. i didn't
want to wake you up to tell you :^(

joonie bug! 🥰🦀
but i'll be home soon, alright hun?
once i get home we can just lay
around and do whatever. (●⌒∇⌒●)
never hesitate to call me about
something, kk?

joonie bug! 🥰🦀
see you later, bun.
joonie loves you! 🥺💕

mkay hyungie! koo koo love's
joonie soo much
:^))!! 💕🥺💕

jungkook sighed, placing his phone down. he flopped on the bed to just stare at the ceiling, his mind full of thoughts. the boy whined and turned over to grab him stuffie, arms up as he looked at the shiny beaded eyes that looked back at him. his eyebrows furrowed before he spoke, "why cant you be daddy?" he asked knowing he wouldn't get an answer back.

for once he wished time passed by faster. he wasn't sure why but he always felt uncomfortable by himself, never liking the airy silence that filled the home.

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