brat x yoomin

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little: jimin
caregiver: yoongi
age range: 3-5
requested by: @BubblesxBoomer4L

little: jimincaregiver: yoongiage range: 3-5requested by: @BubblesxBoomer4L

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"jimin-ah! this is the last time i'm telling you. come over here!" yoongi somewhat yelled to where jimin could clearly hear him, but he was being too much of a brat to listen.

the little could easily hear him but he was way too caught up in his game. whatever yoongi was calling him down for was less important to him. he had to finish and beat the game first!

yoongi was getting impatient waiting for jimin so he got up from the couch and made his way to jimin's room. the older male tried to open the door yet it was locked... now what was so important that yoongi had to wait several minutes.

"jimin, please unlock the door," yoongi sighed and tried to turn the knob again. "nu-uh!" his caregiver could hear from the opposite side of the door.

yoongi wasn't the kind to raise his voice or get mad quickly, he was always the patient kind of person. jungkook actually stopped learning the piano with yoongi because he always said he was doing well even when he messed up, in conclusion he just needed someone more than yoongi, someone who would actually tell him the hand positions he was doing wrong.

there was no doubt that yoongi had a soft spot for the whole maknae line, especially for jimin, but this time this didn't seem to be the occasion.

"hey. i asked nicely the last two times, i'm not asking you again. get out...please. we're going to the store," the older couldn't help but say please, he didn't want to say it, wanting to sound stern with him, yet it slipped out.

jimin huffed hearing yoongi's words. he didn't want to go to the store, he was busy! not so important as yoongi would think but jimin thought it was, it was a game after all.

once he stepped out of his room he was met with a not-so-happy yoongi. "i asked you three times, was that really necessary?" his caregiver asked, a tint of annoyance found in his voice.

"minnie dun' wanna go 's so boring," jimin spoke, almost sounding like a whine. his caregiver stayed quiet till they reached down to the living room to put on their shoes. "couple of days ago you said you wanted to come with me.." yoongi said and tied his shoes.

jimin thought as he slipped on his shoes. he did say that, but now he wasn't in the mood. the boy didn't say anything, not wanting to make yoongi more upset than he already was, so he just shrugged.

when they got in the car it wasn't much of an awkward silence, just a bit of an uncomfortable one. but for some reason jimin really wanted to play with yoongi's buttons.

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