a what? x taeminkookgi

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little: taehyung
caregiver: yoongi, jimin and jungkook
age range: 2-3
requested by: stackedbrokenthyrsus

little: taehyungcaregiver: yoongi, jimin and jungkookage range: 2-3requested by: stackedbrokenthyrsus

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taehyung sighed as he closed the door behind him as he ran his fingers through his messed up hair. he liked his job, he really did, sometimes he just came home totally wasted not wanting to do anything else but slip.

the thing was. it was rare for him. he didn't really do so, thinking the others would find out and find it weird if him to be doing those kinds of things. the times he did slip he blamed it on the kids. he worked as a kindergarten teacher so all the coloring books, crayons, and pacifier that yoongi has found once, taehyung immediately blamed it on the poor kids saying he was keeping them safe for the next day which yoongi thankfully didn't question.

he went to his room which was all messy from last night since he stayed up doing a couple personal things on his own. the boy quickly cleaned up as he didn't like his room being a mess, it bothered him.

"finally..." he sighed and plopped down on him bed letting out a sigh. taehyung grabbed him phone checking the time, it was 4:38pm. he had no idea where the other boys went actually but he hoped it wasn't soon.

taehyung left his room to take a quick shower before fully slipping which he's been dying for. he made it to him room and jumped in his bed fully changed into a different outfit other than jeans and hoodie this time he wore a onesie, he really liked this specific one but he made sure to hide it well or wash it when none of the other members were home.

"honey!" he smiled and hugged the tiger stuffie close to him, giving it a kiss on it's head. yoongi found it once and asked about but taehyung just awkwardly laughed and said it was a gift from a student for being such a great teacher, he was a good teacher or that's what he thinks. he often overthinks it, wondering if the five year old actually hate him and are planning his death as he shows them how to paint and what colors they make when they mix. in reality all the students love him, they really do, before all of them leave they always make sure to give him a great big 'bear hug' like taehyung would say or a high five.

taehyung laid in bed just petting the soft stuffie. he had so many of them in his closet but this one was him favorite one, he had tons of difficulty figuring out a name because there were so many cute was he searched up, but he settled on honey for now. "you think i should color or mmm- watch somthin'?" he asked and propped his head on his palm.

"both of them?! same time? ooh ok. le's see" he hummed and turned on the television that was in his room, he hopped off the bed and looked in his drawer getting out the crayons as he looked around the different coloring books. he couldn't decided they were all so pretty! taehyung hummed and slowly ripped out a page that was a parrot on a tree and an ice cream.

he sat on the rugged floor, two stuffies right next to him and a controller of his hand as he flipped through the channels to find the right one. "this one good, right honey?" taehyung looked down at the stuffie. it didn't say anything, but to taehyung it did, so that was fine. he decided on 'tayo the little bus' it was a cute show, he hasn't watched all of them due to how busy he was, he made sure he will someday.

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