overwatch x jikook

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little: jungkook
caregiver: jimin
age range: 9-10
requested by: PartyPeople0405

"d- hyung! come on! play overwatch with me!" jungkook whined as he pulled jimin's arm towards him so he could take him upstairs to play video games

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"d- hyung! come on! play overwatch with me!" jungkook whined as he pulled jimin's arm towards him so he could take him upstairs to play video games.

jimin sighed and grabbed a hold on jungkook's hand, one in one, pulling him down to sit on the floor. the youngest pouted as he sat on the floor where he looked at his other hyungs staring back at him. "look at your eyes, jungkookie" jimin commented as he went on the camera app on his phone to show him.

"what's wrong with them?" he asked in defense. in fact, there was something wrong, he hadn't gotten any sleep because of all the games he's been playing.

jimin looked and him with a frown. "you cant tell?" he questioned

"i ca—"

"they're all red. they're irritated in fact" jimin continued when the boy was going to speak.

he took a small mental note, knowing he'll have to put in eye drops soon.

jungkook didn't listen though. he just wanted his hyung to play games with him! "taehyung! will you play with me?" he asked and looked at the other member right next to him with pleading eyes. "no can do, bud. jimin's right you're eyes are red. why don't you play with us?" he asked. jungkook looked around seeing the boys around the table, various amount of cards in there hands, turning them so nobody can see them but themselves.

"i don't even know how to play this— this stupid game" he huffed.

"don't say that, it's fun. that's what we're here for, right? we can teach you" jimin smiled, placing his small sack of cards in the middle, signaling the other to do the same so that they could start a new game with jungkook.

jimin hummed a tune till he divided the cards equally into seven parts handing each member cards.

"what the easiest game we can show him?" jimin asked the other members. the others let out a small hum. "slap jack!" hoseok suggested.

jimin hummed and shrugged "i guess" he said and huffed.

"who wants to explain?" he offered as namjoon let out a small 'ooh me!' along with a big grin on his face. jimin nodded signaling him that he can explain the game to jungkook.

"okay, so you have to be really fast and focused in this game. oh! also you can't see your cards so that's why jimin put them faced down. once someone puts down a jack you have to be fast and slap it, the person who slaps it first takes the whole stack of cards and combines it with their deck" he explained and jungkook nodded, still a bit confused.

"and that person starts. something that namjoon forgot was that if you have no more cards you can still play and slap the jack to earn some cards..." yoongi added to namjoon rules.

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