Angst-Depressed Grian.

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WARNING: Depression, suicide and cutting in this chapter. If any of that may trigger something, please do not read.

Ahem, I wrote this about a year ago and I'm considering deleting it mainly because it was written during my more depressed half year.

The way that this is written is pretty amateur and I'm not proud of how it reflects on my writing style now.

Grian ran a knife across his arm, the pain soothing in a way.

He was just another builder. He didnt compare to the other builders and redstone.... He'd blow up his entire base if he even touched the stuff.

The red lines grew as he repeativally ran the knife along his arm.

Did no one care?

That he was battling depression?

Fighting for his will to live?

Would anyone miss him if he ended it there and then?

Would anybody weep?

Would anybody care?

How long would it take for them to notice?

Grian started softly sobbing. The war was his fault

The terror that follows tag was his fault.

Evo's creation was his fault.

The chaos that followed after the watchers enslaved him was his fault.

How ironic. That if he jumps, he'll die from hitting the ground.

He was trash flier, nobody would think anything of it.

Suddenly his communicator buzzed and he glanced at it.

Mumbo Jumbo: Hey Grian can you help me out at Sahara for a moment?

Grian hesitated before typing out, blood dripping down his wrists and splattering on the screen

Grian: Sure just give me a moment

He sighed and glided back into his base. He wrapped his wrists and thought, solemnly

Another time then.

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