Crack-if ya know what this oneshot is about tell me because i have no clue

553 26 20

First person

Tears streaking down Rens face, words coming out slurred and hic filled.

"D-doc? Wh-wha-what d-did I d-do?"

Cleo continued to walk, with Ren over her shoulders (think that one vine. Uh-Backstreets Back, drunk vine?)

"Ren, you are drunk."

Ren continued to drunkenly talk to himself, while Cleo carried him back to his base, she may or may not be planning to corner Doc and interrogate him. No wonder the cyborg had avoided everybody at the shopping district.

xB's base was nearby, and a firework went off as xB came towards him.

He landed nearby before jogging up. He had seen Cleo coming from his base, and at first thought that her elytra had broken.

Nope. She was carrying Ren. A very drunk Ren.

"Oh wow-where'd ya find him?"

She continued to walk in a straight line, and responded with a quick "In a tree. He apparently bought some Vodka somewhere, drunk it, then drunk him thought it would be a good idea to fly over to my base."

xB hummed softly to himself, trying to think of a way to cheer Ren up. He hit a deadend.

"So why is he crying?"

"Keeps saying something about Doc. No clue what happened, but I'm cornering Doc once I get Ren back."

He fished a bottle out of his inventory, more specifically a water bottle, and stopped Cleo so he could calm Ren down a bit before giving him some water.

"Lets swap. I have a bit more experience with drunks, and you can assault Doc."

Clumsily, they swapped Ren from around Cleos shoulders to over one of xB's. "Go get 'em Cleo."

He need say no more. She already had her elytra back on and had lifted off. A interrogation was about to happen, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

"So, Ren, how long have you been drunk for?"


"Fair enough."


Cleo found Doc outside of his base, completely wasted. Bdubs was leaned against the wall next to him, listening to Doc ramble on and on and ON with no discernible words.

She watched the spectacle in a mild confusion for at least a minute, when Bdubs waved her over. "I'm guessing you found Ren? Drunk?"

Nodding, Cleo knelt next to Doc. He was mildly less drunk then Ren, and that wasn't saying much.

He was a chatty drunk, she learned that a few years back. He was looking at her with a mild confusion, as if he was trying to figure out who she was.

"Doc-" Bdubs cut her off "Don't ask him what happened, he completely broke down last time I asked."

Cleo's eyes narrowed, and she stood up. "What did he drink?"

Bdubs deflated. "Liqueur. No clue what type."

Creepers, if given a alcoholic beverage, would be drunk at least three times longer then a person. So, it would take quite awhile for Doc to be sober. Ren could never talk for at least 18 hours after he gets sober, he's constantly throwing up.

The wolfish side never agrees with the alcohol.

Bdubs vocalized a thought that had been running through both of their heads. "What happened? To get them to get drunk, they both hate the after-effects. They broke up under good terms at least two years ago."

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