angst/concept-What does it all mean?

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Third yeetson

A ragged breath released from his lungs.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

A never-ending cycle, it was. Unless you stopped.

And many did. Many in this hellhole did, and the vampire didn't want to die.

Because he had seen what they did to the corpses. They hooked up wires and turned them into walking abominations.

Then turned them loose. The living dead, quite literally.

But most died. He used to have friends.





But he learned better. If you make friends, you'll get attached. Then they die.

They always died.

So here he was. Lonely. Fighting for life. Nameless. Blinded.


For as long as he could remember. No family. No comfort. Nothing of any use to him.

Sometimes they would send in a rat or two so he could eat. If he died of starvation, they couldn't use his body for another zombie, apparently.

He wondered why they wanted more zombies. Didn't they have enough?

Why didn't they end his suffering?

That was the question. What stopped them from just killing him? Did they need him to die from terror or another prisoner?

Did they have a reaper on their side? And they would harness the souls of the fallen and use them to power the place and use the mindless corpses?

But that didn't make much sense. But what did, what is it that ever makes sense.

Is there something that does? Oh, he sure hoped so. If there was, he would chase it to the ends of the world to find it.

And if there wasn't? He would die trying to find it.

Understanding of something means knowledge. Knowledge means mental freedom. Mental freedom equals hope. Hope gives you a will to live. A will to live grants you a will to be physically free. The will to be physically free results in rebellion. Rebellion results in death or freedom.

Both are better than the current situation.

Being chained to a wall. Hoping to be freed or die.

What is the understanding he seeks? Well, he's only heard rumors from the outside world, so he only knows things from inside the room.

Pain. But what purpose does the pain serve? To make him into a zombie. But what purpose does becoming a zombie do? He did not know.

Hopelessness. To stop him from escaping, of course. But why are they stopping him? He did not know.

Love. Why did people love? What purpose does it serve? He did not know.

Hope. What was hope? He did not know.

Hunger. The feeling of a pain in his stomach. It was the same as Pain, so he had no understanding.

Sight. The ability to see. The ability to see colors. But what purpose did it serve? Alas, he did not know.

He gave up. Understanding was a difficult thing, and was not to be joked around with.

But what about Understanding itself? The ability to know something, to know how it works.

Understanding! What a brilliant thing!

A blessing to the world in the fullest! But what is a blessing exactly? Well, he did not know precisely.

But it was something that was very unlikely to happen, he believed.

But he wished to be free.

To find a place to live.

To finally hear the leaves of the long spoken of and legendary 'Trees'

---That ending tho... It makes even me laugh---

Biffa steadied his sniper bow. He silently listened to the feedback through his comms.

It seemed Team Strike was in position. They where waiting on Team Mob to get into position. When they did, Biffa could single the attack.

They had to take this main base out. When they did, the world would be entirely free from the tyranny of the Inventors.

'Team Mob is in position. I repeat, Team Mob is in position.'

The cyborg smirked and responded while setting off a flare "Roger that EX."

EX didn't respond. Suddenly a voice echoed through the buildings once again.

"If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brains! I'd just want your heart, I'd just want your heart, I'd just want your heart!"

He nodded. Cleo, with her distractions. The souled zombie was quite an advantage to their team. She had a gift with her voice as well.

As Cleo continued singing, he watched as the rest of Team Mob snuck past the baffled guards at the gate. Then Cleo slammed her foot into the ground, and Joe and his horse trotted into view. The horse was made of swirling dirt and stones, a bit of grass here and there.

Joe was an Earth manipulator. The strongest this century, in fact. It was rather scary meeting him for the first time.

Following him was a Stress, riding a horse made of wood. One of Joes, but he let the Ice Nymph borrow it for this mission.

Which was astonishing in itself, but he'll come back to that later.

Joe had his hat shadowing his face, in a terrifying way. Stress had a cloak and hood, resulting in being just able to see her icy blue eyes glowing under her hood.

Joe waved a hand, and the earth underneath the guards immediately went quick-sand mode.

The human guards desperately struggled; their screams audible.

Ah, he should explain, shouldn't he?

Well, the Inventors was a group of people who tried to take over the world with zombies. They succeed for a while, but then people found out.

Then came the rebellion. Xisuma and his twin brother EX in the front ranks, they began taking out plants and bases.

And they had been doing so since the age 14. Biffa, Cleo, and Doc themselves had been failed experiments. Thrown into the incinerator, figuring they were dead.

Oh, how they had been wrong. They had destroyed the base they had been in, which drew the attention of X's and EX's rebel group, the Hermits.

Known for their ability to get news the fastest, move without being seen, and not often corresponding with other groups.

It was a strange and bizarre group, sure. They had a person from nearly every humanoid group, beyond a vampire and a couple of others.

A vampire would be helpful in this situation.

So. This might end up being a entire story of its own, but it WILL be on hold until I'm finished with R&A!

There will be a extra book I'll make for details on this AU, but I'll do that later 'cause I'm a lazy butt sometimes.

Anyways, the drill is no begging for me to continue, ill do so when I want, and if I do see someone asking, ill flip 'cause it annoys me when people don't read the end A/N's

Also is it odd I'm listening to Japanese music that is nightcored while writing this?

Bye my loyal customers!

Cramsalesman OUT

Word count 1125

Hermitcraft Oneshots and AUs (Season VI And VII) ((FIN))Where stories live. Discover now