concept-The Odd New World

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Third Person

A large group of players stood on the divergence of the End and the Nether. In the gap, there was a portal like substance, it rippled like water.

When Xisuma heard of the crossover in the Nether, he immediately came to check it out. To his surprise, there was something not pre-mentioned by anyone else.

There was a odd crack, dividing the two, and the portal matter. The void told him the other side was like the Nether, treacherous, and terrifying, but different. It used to hold a population.

And that it had valuable resources.

Xisuma couldn't stop the rest of the hermits-Such as False-to go onto the other side of this portal. And he didn't want to either. The new realm was a brilliant opportunity, and should be explored. Who knew, they could even find a Sleeper, however unlikely.

The void told him beds worked, and he could use them if he wished.

Joe, False, Grian, Scar, Doc, Python (He left the cookie council for this, surprisingly.), TFC, Wels, and Cleo all waited for the signal they could jump through. The other hermits watched anxiously, wondering what would happen when their friends went through.

Each hermit planning to jump had multiple shulkers full of stuff. Building supplies, redstone supplies, food, random stuff.... It continued.

Each of the explorers knew the risks. They had all been the players in their world that explored the Nether, or the End, knowing perma-death was incredibly likely in these different worlds.

Xisuma set off a firework and watched as the hermits jumped into the portal. Friends of the hermits waved as they left, a couple in tears. Tears of worry.

As False jumped into the portal, her stomach felt as if it was being yanked out through her throat. It both felt really queasy and hurt quite a lot.

Her feet slammed into the ground, and she stumbled slightly, before regaining her balance. A gasp left her throat, like it did whenever she entered the End.

Sheer wonder.

It was dark and grim. The rolling plains where a dull yellow, and the grey sky was covered in grey clouds. The trees were dead, water was a black sludge.

Behind the group, a crack was formed, with the same terf as it was ahead of them. The crack contained more portal matter, and was probably the way back.

One of the mobs that walked across the lands; had their weapons ready. They looked like living players, but their death wounds still dripped with blood. They didn't breathe, eyes fogged over and lifeless.

Another was transparent, eyes pecked out by crows, and wandered around lifelessly, seemingly looking for someone or something.

A third where children, clothes dripping with blood, playing hopscotch with animal bones.

The fourth flew in the skies, a crow, bones showing through feathers here and there.

There was more, but most are so ghastly I will not mention them here. There are to many variables to list as well.

To say the least, it was a grim land. So why did False gasp? Out of horror? No. She saw the wonderful structures spanning the land. They where amazing, going up into the clouds, or low to the ground. But these buildings where falling apart.

This land had been abandoned for many years.

There was a silence from all the hermits as they took in this desolate landscape.

"What have we gotten ourselves into." These words from Wels was not a question, but a statement.

Joe sighed, still patting Grian on the back, who was throwing up from the transaction from one realm to another, and mumbled "I don't know lad. I don't know."

The group began looking for a place with a good vantage point, avoiding the mobs like the plague. Who knew what they could do.

Finally, they found a decent sized hill, and set up camp there.

Python swiftly set a fire and was surprised to find that it was, in fact, a hellfire blue.

Very surprising.

The group sat silently around the fire, Joe and Grian trying to make marshmallows, and Wels keeping watch.

They swiftly realized night was not a thing, and adjusted to this new world.

Python hesitantly asked "So... What's next? Go home or explore for a bit longer?"

There was a silence, then False stated, no hesitation in her voice "Explore. Make sure its safe. See what valuables we get from this world. Gage how aggressive the mobs are, and how powerful they are. See what's underground, if there's any society, or Sleepers. Find a way to make a clock. ADVANCE."

A hum of agreement spread across the group, and they settled down, ready to sleep and wait for the next day

I'm so sorry for the shortness of this, I'm just setting the foundation of the world, why they are there, etc.

So yea.

Later peeps ;)

CramSalesman OUT

Word Count 820

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