angst-Nothing Good

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WARNINGS: suicide, self hatred, blood gore, dead body stuff, you guys know the drill.

Third Person

Scar wordlessly stood next to the sink, a knife held in one hand. He wouldn't even consider doing this last week. But then... then Cub died.

A heart attack, they told Scar. A natural thing to die by.

But that didn't change it. That didn't change that his best friend was torn away from him at twenty seven.

Nobody could ever think they would die that young. A choked sob eased from his lungs. Cub wouldn't want this, but Scar couldn't live! He couldn't live with the pain of knowing that he could have saved him if he had just picked up! If he had just picked up on that damn call!

The call of a dying Cub, trying to get help. And Scar ignored it, he was the reason his best friend was dead and not some medical condition.

If he hadn't gotten into a fight with Cub about some religious jazz, he would have picked up that damn call!

He used to be friends with Doc, but well...

His friendship with Doc had been shattered after a argument. Stupidly, it was about whether or not the plant life they were studying was sentient, then it escalated and... and they refused to talk to one another..

Scar lifted his hat slowly off his head and placed it ontop of his letter. He could only hope it didn't get soaked with blood.

A thought drifted into his head. How long would it take for them to find his body?

Not like anyone would care enough to notice his absence. He didn't have anyone to care.

It was disturbing to imagine your body rotting before someone finally finds it. Would Jellie be alright? Did he give her enough food to last her a month if it took that long?

Scar shook his head furiously. Jellie would be fine. Scar lifted the knife in his hands. He traced the sharp edge with a finger, being able to feel the sharpness of the blade. If he pressed, the skin would be sliced open.


He raised the knife, pressing it to his throat. A sense of release flooded him as the blade drew across his throat, and came away stained in blood.

What felt like vomit rose in his throat, and he dropped his knees as the pain kicked in. Blood splattered the ground below him. Mouth dripping with blood, Scar watched blankly as it covered the ground directly below him.

As Scar leaned against the tub, head dropping against the side, he wondered how long it would take for him to die. He could have sworn he had gotten both arteries...

Gasping breaths released themselves. The coppery scent drowning his scent with the putrid scent of blood.

He became aware of the blood streaking down his face from his nose and mouth. His head slammed into the ground, a pool of blood beginning to surround it nearly instantly.

The last thing he saw was a cramped bathroom stained red from blood. The last thing he heard was a ringing in his ears and a faint meowing. His last thought was wondering who the poor bastard who had to clean this up was.

--yeh more angst--

Doc hesitantly rapped on Scars door. It had been a week since he last heard from the cheerful engineer, so the silence was concerning.

Nothing. He knocked a bit louder. A meowing came from the other side, but no yell for Doc to stop being so loud came.

A sense of dread set over him. Doc knelt and gently lifted a floorboard of the porch and looked in the dirt for a moment.

Snake... Snake.. Spider... Key!

He lifted the key out of the critter infested dirt and kicked the floorboard back into place as he brushed the dirt covered key off.

A bit rusty, but it would still work. He stuck the key in the doorhandle and turned it. Nothing happened, and for a moment, a rush of panic set in.

Then he realized he had turned it the wrong way.

After figuring out the puzzle that was a locked door, Doc swung the door handle open.

Immediately, he was greeted by the silence and Jellie. She looked miserable, and acted as if she hadn't seen a human all week.

And this alerted him to another unusual thing. Jellies unbrushed pelt, and the random hairballs. Something was definitely wrong.

His feet set into the muscle memory as he searched the house. Every bedroom, every closet, every cupboard.

And he finally came to the upstairs bathroom. A stench of copper and death hit him like a bat.

Refusing to believe what his nose was telling him, Doc tried the doorknob. It swung open, and what he saw horrified him.

Scars body laying on the ground, in the middle of a blood bath. A knife lay on the ground, and the body was beginning to bloat.

"Sc-scar... No... Scar!"

Doc ran forward, refusing to believe what was in front of him. His hand brushed the ice cold skin of it.


Scar was only a it. A corpse with no light. A corpse with no meaning to anyone but Doc and Jellie.

Tears ran down Docs face. He, with a shaky hand, tried to clean some of the disgusting foam off of the body's face.

Ineffective. He only got the blood foam on his hands. Then, something caught his eyes.

Scars hat. And a letter. Untouched by the blood, by some miracle.

He grabbed the letter, and left the hat there.

Staring at the neatly done letter, with a bit of hesitation, Doc tore it open.

Dear Doc,

I'm assuming its you. Probably not. Your probably some freaky mind scientist who is studying cases of suicide.

In that case, frick you and your snotty lab coat.

If you're Doc? Thanks for caring enough to read this. Sorry about the fight. I just can't love myself after what I said to you. I can't live with Cub gone either.

They go hand in hand I suppose.

Don't worry, its not your fault. Don't kill yourself like I did.

Recover. Keep Jellie for me.

Move on.

Love you,

Gregory Timothy Warren/GTWscar

And thaT there is a wrap.

Angst for you hungry beasts. And me.

And happyhermitcraft thought I'd tag y'all and not have y'all just stumble along it.

I was reading the preview to double check everything (on my laptop), on the top it said "Previewing Nothing Good" and I just started laughing hysterically.

Bye costumers (Or costumes! I don't judge!)

word count 1111 (heh)

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