Lamb to the Slaughter (Part Five)

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Third person

Grian was struggling with making the meeting room. The redstone was a struggle, and Watcher being sarcastic was not helpful. At all.

"OOOO. Putting a Redstone block will DEFINITELY work."

Grian somehow blew it up. Mumbo somehow didn't notice.

"Best redstone I've ever seen."

"Shut up Watcher."

"Slime will totally do something important."

It didn't.


Mumbo woke when something hit him. To his surprise, it was an egg.


He noticed Grian by a hole in his wall-in a business suit?

Grian cried matter-afactly "Come on Mumbo! I have a business proposition!"

In confusion, Mumbo followed. He chuckled as Grian broke a hole in the wall for entrance.

Grian laughed as well, and stated "We don't have a door quite yet."

Opening the door to the meeting room, Grian walked in and sat down "Take a seat, take a seat."

Mumbo sat down.

Grian said cheerfully "Alright. So, I had this idea. A group called BUILDSTONE! I would be the build; you do the Redstone."

There was a silence, before Mumbo started laughing. "Yes! That's brilliant Grian!"

Grian's grin became larger and he flicked the lever "A suggestion for the symbol! We probably should change it and-" He stopped once he saw that an entire pillar of gravel hadn't fallen. "Oh! See! This is why I need you!"

He skittered over and whipped a shovel out, ridding of the gravel.

Mumbo was still laughing as he walked over and inspected the redstone "You've clearly put a lot of effort into this! Of course, I will join."

Xephor lunged into the conversation via brain "You should call yourselves Architechs."

Xephor took control and commented "Maybe Architech is a better name." Grian took control again and waited for Mumbo's response, hoping that Mumbo wouldn't see the serious mood swing from calm to hyper.

Mumbo smiled "That's a bit better. Let's do Architechs instead."

____LATER ART____



Mumbo watched as Grian left. The mood swing was a bit... Odd.

He pulled his communicator and opened his chat with Xisuma

MumboJumbo: hey, is grian bipolar?

Xisumavoid: not to my knowledge, but ive seen some things that makes me question if he is. ill look into it

Meanwhile, Grian was back at his base, beginning to build the main outline.

"Make sure it's a full circle. Don't want any mistakes Grian."

Grian ignored Xephor and finally got the glass in, stepping back to admire his work.

Setting off a firework, he headed to Jevin's place. The comm said he was AFK, and that was too good of an opportunity to miss.

Grian took his time nudging the AFK player onto a moving machine he had made. Activating it, he moderatered it as it began to move.

Stopping it when he dubbed it high enough, he adjusted it so it moved forward. Once again, he activated it. Little did he know it would all go wrong.

After a couple of the minutes, the server began to lag. First Jevin fell, then Grian's wings didn't catch any air resistance as he went to get his items.

He crashed, to say the least.

After getting back to the stuff, he put them in a chest next to Jevin, saying that he somehow died before fleeing.

He stopped in the shopping district and began to make a pickle shop.

(Before ya'll throw a fit about how this isn't in the right order, I did it for my convience, and this story will not be following the majority of the main timeline. Alright? Got that cleared up? Alright. ART!)

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|___*___|Three days later art THAT WON'T APPEAR ON PHONE|___*___|


Grian flew out of his pickle shop, oddly satisfied with it. Before he could do anything else, Watcher asked "G, can you let me fly for a bit? I need to stretch my wings."

Grian went silent for a moment before letting Watcher take control.

Watcher slowed his flight, getting a full view of the shopping district. Letting in a deep breath of air, he glided for a bit until he reached the main cliff, and dived.

Right before hitting the water, his wings shot out and he darted upwards before dropping again.

Watcher didn't know this, but Xisuma was watching this performance, and had begun to record it.

Watcher spun, his wings spreading wide as he rocketed head first to the water. He caught himself half through a spin, one of his wings grazing the water, kicking up some water as he flew.

Watcher went up again, doing random aerodynamics as he flew, before directing himself to their base and began to build some of it before handing control to Grian

Xisuma re-watched the film he had caught with amazement. Grian was an amazing flier, apparently. And he had caught something interesting. Once Grian had flew back to the base, his eyes flashed white for a moment, before his flight became normal again, and he started to build.

What was Grian hiding?

Sorry bout the shortness of this one. This is what happens when I'm not in the mood to re-watch HC.

Word count 834

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