songfic/angst-The other side.

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Third Person

The door swung open and a creeper hybrid strolled into the room. Throwing a diamond onto the counter, the bartender began to make his regular.

He sat on the seat next to the ragged-coated player known as Doc, was Scar.

Doc was given his drink and he turned to Scar "Right here, right now, I'll put the offer out."

A strange look from Scar.

"I don't want to chase you down; I know you see it!" Doc flipped a pencil in his hand with that statement.

"You run, with me, and I can cut you free."

A scoff from Scar.

Doc waved at the bartender. "Out of the treachery, I'm all you keep in!"

The bartender slid Scar a new drink, and he chugged it.

"So trade that typical, for something colorful!" Doc hopped off his chair.

Doc put a hand on the table. "And if its crazy, live a little crazy! You can play it sensible, a plan old conventual, or you can risk it all and see......"

Doc jumped on the counter, denying the mutters to not get on the bar from the bartender.

"And don't you wanna get away from the same old part ya got to play, 'cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride, it'll take ya to the other side!"

'Cause you can do like you do, or ya can do like me! Stay in the cage or finally take the key! Suddenly, your free to fly! It'll take you to other side!" He made eye contact with Scar

Scar said sharply as he stood up "Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in? Well I hate to tell ya, but it just won't happen." There was a sigh of relief from the bartender.

"So thanks, but no. I think I'm good to go, cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in." Scar walked up to the window and looked out it, hands behind his back.

"Now I admire you, and that whole military thing you do, you're onto something, really its something." The bartender muttered "Doubt it."

Scar chuckled "But I live in the swells, and we don't get our boots dirty. Ill have to leave that up to you..."

Scar whipped around and jumped onto a table, his eyes narrowing at Doc. "Don't you know I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play, I got what I need. I don't need to take the ride... I don't need to see the other side!"

"So go and do like you do, I'm good to do like me, I ain't in a cage so I don't need to take a key! Oh, damn, can't you see I'm doin' just fine? I don't need to see the other side!"

Doc sighed, rubbing his nose as Scar drank more "Is this really like how you would like to spend your days, whisky and misery, and parties and plays?"

Scar glared at him "If I ran with you, I'd be the talk of the town, disgraced and disowned, another one of the soldiers!"

"But you would finally live a little laugh, the freedom to dream, and would wake you up, cure your aching, break down walls and build 'em! That seems like a deal to me, but I'll leave that up to you..." He paused, waiting for the answer.

Neither of them was aware, but the bartender was watching tensely, waiting to see what would happen.

"Well, its intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly." The bartenders face was stricken with horror "Scar-" Scar whipped towards the bartender "Cub! My business, not yours!"

He turned back to Doc and stated "So what percentage of the base would be I be taking?" Cub was staring at his hands rather shook.

Doc whittled his pencil "Far enough, you would want a piece of the action. Id give you seven, we could shake and make it happen!"

Scar laughed darkly "I wasn't born yesterday, eighteen would be just fine."

Doc flipped the pencil again "Why don't you just go ahead and ask me for nickels on the dime!"

Scar got in Docs face, both ignoring Cub staring at them in horror "Fifteen!"

"Maybe eight."



Scar stood on his toes to get right in Docs face "Ten."

Doc smiled and they shook hands, walking out of the building.

Cub knew what this meant. Scar had left him for a different business. He stumbled over to the door and saw they where already gone. He pressed his back against the wall and slid down it, beginning to cry.

He hadn't even said goodbye. Why had he left? Scar knew he would be too busy to talk with him.

Cub pulled his legs into a hug and sobbed.

He made a decision. If a player does something that would kill them on purpose, its auto-permadeath. Xisuma had tried to disable it after the... incident. But the void wouldn't let him.

He never thought he'd be grateful for that setting.

After crying himself out, he walked out of the building and activated his elytra, flying towards the nearest ocean. The wind fought against him, but he pushed onwards. As he flew over the ocean, he purposely deactivated his elytra and dropped.

He hit the water, the bubbles rising around him as he sunk. After a moment, his lungs began to beg for him to breath.

He inhaled the water. As his vision blurred, he saw someone hit the water after him and begin to swim after him. A gloved hand brushed his, and the world went black.

He just wanted to go to the other side...

Who do ya'll think it was that is there?

And idk if he lives or not. Up to you guys. Scars a bit of a asshole in this, I know.

But it was necessary for the plot and all, blah blah blah.

Anyways, bye guys!

Cramsalesman and Darky OUT!

Word count 995

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