AU/no real genre-Salty Grian and Irritated Scar

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Ships: ScarxGrian (Scarian)

Third person

The dying fires last embers glowed dimly and illuminated Grians eyes. The nocturnal hybrid was watching the shadows as Scar snoozed next to him.

The world had fallen to pieces such a long time ago. Grian had been 14, Scar 16. They were both in their mid-twenties now. They both still remembered the day that the internet, authority, and various other things came crashing down. The day that the radios managed to get out that, without a doubt, it was a zombie apocalypse.

It was shocking. Learning that something that was supposed to just be a story, a concept, was actually happening right in front of them.

Grian had completely lost track of his older twin brothers on the first day. Scar had happened to be in Europe on vacation with his mother, and she died on the second day.

They met a week in, just when the anarchy truly sparked. They practically glued to one another, and fled into the hills. They avoided all contact with other humans, only seeing other survivors tried to make them join their cult like groups.

Tonight, like many others, they where camping out and watching the night. That night, like they did occasionally, they talked about the possibility and likelihood of mini societies, or even big networks inside of cities or ex-military bases. And, like every time, they decided against searching these groups out.

It was to dangerous.

Little did they know, they had become something of folklore among other survivors. There was infact more of a society then they thought, and people actually thought they where ghosts or some shit. People would see them from the distance, and they had the nickname of the moorland ghosts.

Which they would find freaking hilarious if they knew, and they would try their gosh dang best to creep people out. Like they would think this is the peak of comedy.

Lets move on from the lore of these two, as Grian had spotted movement in the shadows. Kicking Scar in the side, he picked up his rifle, with the older silencer on the muzzle.

Scar, who was normally a deep sleeper, thankfully snapped awake and shoved dirt over the remaining embers in the fire.

Sliding a new clip into his pistol, Scar dropped into a crouch and raised a eyebrow at Grian, who jerked his head in the general direction of the movement.

Then, the form lifted a flashlight and turned it on, ultimately blinding Grian and causing Scar to fire and miss by like ten feet.

Now on the ground clutching his face, Grian groaned loudly as Scar lashed out with a hand over his eyes "Are you a idiot?! Stop shining that thing in our eyes!"

The flashlight moved to the left and Scar hauled Grian to his feet. The hybrid was audibly in pain, the light had not clashed well with his eyes. Usually he wore goggles to prevent this, but they where cumbersome in the night.

He murmured a quick reassurance to Grian and glanced up, only to be greeted with a group of around 9 people. There was even a immune. He hadn't seen this many people in one place since the Fall.

Which was freaking terrifying, and he watched them warily as they did the same for him and Grian.

Finally the one with the flashlight seemed to realized he had injured one of them and spoke up. "Er-Sorry for flashing the light in your eyes. I just assumed you two where part of the Red Cult."

Scar, decided that this man was brain dead, and snapped "Well yea, two hybrids under 5'4 that are gay are totally Red Cult material." He added, mostly to himself, "∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ᔑ ╎↸╎𝙹ℸ ̣." (1)

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