crack-A Terrible Regionmate

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The idea nor video belong to me!

Third Person

The server had a little tradition. After the end of every season, the hermits would tell the others their top two accomplishments.

The newest hermit was last.

So when Grian stepped forward, everyone was curious about what he would say.

He started up a powerpoint, and his first words after he picked up the mic was "Thanks to Mumbo for getting this thing going-Er, is this on? Yea? Alright! So, during my first couple of months here, I got into a bit of trouble with my region mates. That's what you call 'em, right?"

TFC had his head in his hands, realizing what was coming, while Mumbo was a bit confused.

Grian waved a hand "So Mumbo here messaged me and was like 'Hey, so would you mind cleaning up your storage system, cause my friend Iskall is coming over and he hasn't met you before. So, I want you to make a good impression.'" he flipped the PowerPoint and it showed the message.

Mumbo finally realized what was coming and groaned. Grian grinned and stated "So I did that, and apparently, as it ends out, all you need is about... six bags of flour!" The PowerPoint showed the bags of flower.

"And an afternoon, and a bit of creativity, and you can make yourself a full on kinda... Uh..." he flipped the PowerPoint and it had him walking into the room, and the camera slowly moved down.

Most of the hermits were confused, Iskall was laughing, Mumbo had his head in his hands, and TFC was digging a hole.

"To sorta get a drug dealer sorta thing." It showed bagged flour looking like bags of coke and there was some laughter. "In in the house! Obviously, you need to get a bit crazier."

The camera moved to show a little bag dumped out of flour. There was more laughter.

"Then you know, I found a diamond or two-" It showed a diamond leaning against a sunflower for Sahara Now, and a little dish of the stuff.

The laughter grew. Grian was now grinning, proud of this. "Then obviously-" A weighing machine with a little stack of diamonds on one end.

"I thought it was a bit subtle! So, I got a little textbook, you know? 'People who owe me money. For drugs. That I sold them.'" Everyone was outright bawling with laughter, and Mumbo was smiling a bit.

There was a silence from Grian as he waited for the laughter to calm down and the PowerPoint to go black.

"To be honest, you've already enjoyed that far more than he did." Some of them laughed at that a bit, and then Grian moved on. "The thing is, I don't know where to draw the line!"

"So when I first moved in, I was given the little lecture, 'bout all the rules and stuff. Then I was given an empty shulker box for my toiletries and sorts." Multiple hermits nodded, not quite understanding where this was going.

Grian continued "So I was like 'hurray.'" A hum of laughter echoed in the room.

"But I don't have any toiletries. So I just filled it-" The camera showed the inside of the shulker box, filled with tiny rubber ducks. Immediately there was laughter. "-With as many as I could!"

His grin was wide. "So in a result, every time I went in there, I'd rearrange them! I was having a brilliant time, you know?"

"So one day, I got narrative! Like a chase scene-" he hit the button, changing the image to show the little ducks chasing each other, and there was a short burst of laughter as they realized the newest hermit was practically a comedian at this point.

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