Angst-خطأ فادح

654 13 4

Hey, I'll be using Arabic. I am using a translator, so I hope I don't offend anyone with incorrect Arabic.

First Person

A hoarse laugh left me.

Of course it panned out like this. What did I except? To successfully break into the library and get back the books?

It truly was a fantasy. A blind, naive, inexperienced, stupid fantasy. Did I think that he'd hand them back without a fight?

Did I really think that he'd hand them over?

Grians shattered and torn up body laid multiple feet from me, he had tried to help.

I told him to stay behind. I told him that he was to powerful. He didn't listen. He argued against me until I caved.

I shouldn't have gave in. I should have left without telling him.

His blood shouldn't be streaked on the floorboards. And above me stood the thief. A hood pulled over his face, but his wicked smile smirking through the shadow.

(1)"قلت لك أن لا تأتي."

"I-I kn-know... J-just m-make it q-quick.."

The man cracked his neck before kneeling next to me. "Ah, I cannot do that. You see my friend, there's something interesting about this world."

His foot was planted on my back, and he began to push down.

"My مسطرة Will not accept a simple death. No, there must be suffering connected to the soul." (2)

Panic rushed over me, and I squirmed, trying to force his foot off me as pain began blurring my vision.

He tsked and pressed harder, and a sob of pain left me as a spike of pain rocketed up my chest, and black grabbed the edges of my vision.

The crack was not needed to inform me of my broken rib. A second snap, and I cried out.

No. I couldn't-I couldn't breath in.

Oh notch, oh notch-

A scream tried to force its way out of my lungs, but came out as a wheeze of pain. My back felt like it was alight. A rational part of me labelled the pain to be coming from my spine, but it was drowned out by the pain.

Gasping, desperately trying to find air, I clenched my hands, trying to pull myself.

The black crept forward, knocking my efforts back slowly until I was barely moving, eyes flickering close.

The advance came to a stop. The pressure ceased. My whimpering vibrated in the room, tears streaking down my face as I heaved and panted.

Faintly, I noticed a notification in the corner of my eye.

Xisumavoid has banned [̶̴̶̵̷̶̵̵̵̸̶̢̡͚̟͔̳͍̥̘̋́̈́̀̇̒̐͘͜͠͠C̷̴̷̸̶̸̴̵̷̶̴̨̰̖̦̜̖̯̳̭̮͒̾́́̿̅̌͠͝͝Ǫ̸̶̵̴̶̶̶̸̶̷̸͈̩̙̼͚̙̼͖́̉͑̌́͑͑͒͊͘͜R̵̵̷̷̵̸̸̸̵̴̴̘̳̖̬̺̦͉̬̫͇̔̒͑̋̾̊͋̐̅̃R̴̶̵̷̴̸̵̶̷̴̸̢̨͎̫̤̘̩͈͆̋̀̏́̽͋͜͠͠͝ͅU̵̶̷̶̷̶̶̷̷̵̷͚͓̮̣̼̳̮̮̻̮͑͂͌͆͌̅̉͊̈́̚P̴̵̴̷̸̶̴̸̴̶̷̧͍̖͙̘̝̳̥͖̝͂̊̅̒̈́̎̏͛́͝Ṭ̷̶̸̵̶̶̵̵̷̵̷̼̟̝͓̰͕̩̦͑̂̃́͂͂͛͠͝͝ͅĘ̴̴̶̷̴̶̴̴̵̵̸̡̡̖̹̹͈̩͖̘͂͛̀̐͑̆̄͝͝͠D̸̷̸̶̸̸̵̸̵̵̵̡̲̳͇͙̪̜͎̜͕̀̅̂̌̇͆̈́̀̉͠ ̵̶̴̵̵̸̸̸̷̴̴̧̖̰̯̞̖̞͎̳̟́̀̒̂͛̒͗̄̕͘F̷̶̴̸̷̷̷̷̴̸̴̛̗͖̰̖̱̥̺̯̑̇͒̏̀̋͒͝͝ͅͅĮ̶̵̸̵̷̸̶̷̷̸̷̪̙̤̟͚̯̻̺͔̾̍̐͛̓̽̔̄̚͠L̴̴̶̵̸̶̶̷̸̵̷̢͕͎̥̣̞̜͔̜̗̓̀͛̈́̋͂̑̆̌̕E̶̶̵̷̸̸̸̸̵̴̷̢̡̥͍̲̠̤̬̭͊̍́̀̔͗̋͘̕͠ͅ]̵̴̵̸̴̸̸̸̴̷̶̢̭̳̘͇̮̟͉̮͕̿̋̔̓̽͒̎̊̽̀

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