Angst/drabble-Ichor of Life

703 17 22

tw: heavy blood, descriptions of gore, character death

Okay so this one may be a bit confusing. A explanation wont be given, because the purpose is to be confusing as possible, but I'll give a cookie to anyone who figures it out :)

Two People, but its First Person

Red. Blue.

Red/Blue was the only color I could see. Colorblindness, maybe even Monochromacy, but I was able to see a color. 

The first recorded case in Minecraft history, which I found amusing. The few other people with Monochromacy couldn't relate the same way.

Because blood wasn't black for me. The sky was a vibrant blue for me, but they couldn't see it.

And that blood was currently splattered across my cheek and my sword. Flames flickered around me, clawing at my armor, and blood stained my hands. 

In front of me lay the body of my best friend, his body twisted and broken. 

And I was currently falling through that sky, the air billowing around me as I plummeted. 

My mind flashed with images of my home being raided and bodies laying everywhere, black covering the ground as I screamed for my father.

His eyes stared at me, empty of life. Empty of his laughter, his smiles, his joy. My hands shook as I stepped back, drawing the second body into view. The horrible man who had killed my friend.

I struggled to recall their faces. The men who had killed my family, my friends, everyone.

I walked slowly, netherite boots squelching in the thick blood covering the ground. Bones cracked under those boots as I crushed his skull. I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply as I turned from the scene of gore, blood staining my hands.

The water submerged me, and I struggled to hold my breath and shake of the surprise of the impact. My armor dragged me down, and the air I had escaped me, bubbling to the surface.

That blood would never wash off. It wasn't my own, but I didn't draw it. I didn't want the memory to leave.

The sky glistened on the surface, taunting me. I wouldn't live. My families sacrifice was useless, and I would die alone.

It was a part of me.

I wish it wasn't like this.

I was created on the battlefield, my soul, my mind, was created on the battlefield.

I was created in that village, my family guided me through life and showed me what is good.

Who I used to be died with my innocence.

I clung to my innocence, begging for it to stay in these final moments.

I lifted my feet and jumped, falling into the red void of the land I called home.

Something hit the water above me, and I made out the figure of a player swimming towards me.

Everything went black.


Hm. What is this?

A drabble that I intended to be a oneshot, then I had a idea and turned it into a origin story for two characters.

Like I said earlier, you get a cookie if you can guess what's going on! 


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