Angst-Death Bed

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Motivation above lads!

I think the reason I wrote this one is because I can so easily see Joe singing that song. It just seems like him, to accept his death and encourage his lover (Cleo, in this fic) to move on without him.

Anything I say in here about seizures and brain tumors is thanks to google, so its likely to have some faults.

Ship: CleoxJoe

tw: seizure, death

Third Person

Joe's joyous laughter echoed through the tunnel as Cleo goofed around, just being herself as she dragged Joe to the mysterious location she had been speaking out all week.

They stumbled into a cavern, dark and gloomy. Cleo didn't wait for Joe to ask if they had arrived, and began to climb a ledge. He didn't like how steep it looked and held up his lantern, squinting at the drop. "Cleo, that looks a bit steep..." 

She glanced back down at his concern, and raised a eyebrow as she pulled herself up. "It'll be fine-see, perfectly safe." She set down a torch, illuminating a very faint climbing wall up. "Come on, its a view once I get rid of the light." 

Considering her reassurance for a moment, Joe sighed before following her up the wall. "If your sure." She grabbed his hand, helping him up as he struggled to pull himself up.

She removed the light after he settled, and the cavern around them lit up. Crystals glowed vibrantly, previously blocked by the small amount of light that they had carried. 

A soft gasp left Joe as the lights glowed, blue reflecting off his glasses as Cleo softly murmured "Worth the three hour hike, isn't it?" He nodded mutely, his skill with languages failing him for once as he watched the lights glow.

As time ticked on, Cleo watched him with a small smile on her face. Time slowly passed, and Joe seemed to remember what time it was, and he glanced at his wrist. "Oh wow-Cleo, it's eight, we should head back."

With a sigh, Cleo relighted her lantern and looked at his watch from over his shoulder. "Oh-We should, I didn't realize that we would get here so late." Joe shrugged, smiling "It was worth it Cleo." 

Giving her a quick peck on the lips, Joe turned and started to climb down. Like before, it was slow and he was overly careful. His feet hit the ground and he took a few steps back, and froze.

He started to seize, crumbling to the as his body jerked. Cleo let out a panicked yelp as she jumped down the side of the rocks and sliding to her knees next to Joe.

Panic coursed through her as she struggled to recall X's routine medical lecture at the beginning of every season. She quickly turned Joe to his side and removed his glasses, tossing them to the side as she struggled to figure out what was happening. And she stopped.

There wasn't anything else she could do. Just watch and make sure he didn't hurt himself.

Then it just.. stopped. He couldn't seem to register what exactly was going on, and she knew that she needed to get him back to the main server area.

First, she dropped his backpack into a shulker and put it into her own backpack. Then she looped her arm under his and lifted him up.

It was slow moving, and the already tough paths became ten times more difficult. Joe tried to help, but he just couldn't walk properly. She was scared that he would fall and crack his head on something, so she stubbornly insisted on carrying him.

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